
If you looked at the rasi, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Dominion trades in silver. While that might be true, silver is merely the vehicle of commerce in the Dominion, not the driving force. If you want to know what it is that the Dominion thirsts for more than anything, it is iron. Iron to make tools for farming and for war. Iron to reinforce buildings and create metal structures important to science and discovery. Most importantly, iron to render impotent the wild and destructive magics wielded by their eternal enemy, the Silvered Realm.
  Trillë, iron in Tretalleri, is considered one of the most vital resources in the Dominion. Used in everything from agricultural tools, hunting implements, armor, weapons of war, and scientific apparatus, as the Dominion grows, so too does its hunger for iron. Mined from the mountains of Sekhar under strict government regulations meant to minimize environmental impact and maximize worker safety, iron is one of the strongest industries in the Dominion economy, having rapidly outstripped gold-mining in terms of raw value.   Though its versatility as a metal is one of the driving forces for the Dominion's increasing demand for iron, the threat of invasion from the Silvered Realm is the primary impetus for the Dominion's stockpiling of the ore. Iron alone of all the known metals possesses the strange ability to dampen, if not outright deaden, arcane magic. With enough iron, the Dominion will be able to defend itself indefinitely from attacks from the Silvered Realm, if not push forward on the offensive by stripping away the enemy's one advantage.


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