Grelk Ethnicity in Rivendom | World Anvil


The Grelk are a small clan of silver-scaled drathan native to the Frostmere. They eke out a meager and difficult existence atop the cliffs that surround the Frostmere's eponymous inlet, well beyond the range of wandering titanspawn packs and outside the authority of the Burdensome City of Gelethis.


Shared customary codes and values

Every Grelk serves the clan — From the eldest of elders to the youngest of babes, every member of the Grelk-folk has a role that serves the survival of the clan. When a Grelk is no longer able to serve their role, they are given another role to serve. For instance, gravely wounded hunters and guardians are assigned to tasks that they can do effectively despite their injuries. For such Grelk, it is not uncommon to see them be given the roles of creche-watcher, young-minder, berry-masher, fire-tender, water-melter, or meat-slicer among others.   Waste Not, Want Not — The harsh environment of the Frostmere makes every last bit of a resource valuable. In the bitter, unending cold, a single scrap of meat or a single cup of improperly melted water can be all that stands between life and death. The Grelk are therefore very fastidious in getting every last bit of use that they can out of the things they have, which means that irreparably broken weapons and tools are kept in the event they might serve some purpose. Parts of titanspawn that might otherwise be discarded by Gelethians are instead kept and either consumed or used to serve another purpose. The tough intestines of titanspawn, for instance, which are unsuitable for consumption, are used to make cord or twine.


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