Blight Crystal Material in Riesa | World Anvil
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Blight Crystal

I had heard about the extensive field of glass along the Niverbour River just outside of Shimmerfell but I was not prepared for the spectacle that greeted me as I crested the hill. Jagged edges and sharp planes refracted light in all its colours. Every turn of my head or shift of cloud changed the view, resulting in an ever shimmering tableau that seemed to breathe with a life all its own.
The Shimmerfell has a strange attractive force on the warpstorms and these storms often appear to change course or slow their advance to flood the area with their magical energy. However, the crystal field does not seem to have an equivalent effect on either Shadow Squalls or Chaos Tempests. Warpstorms appear to provide the raw energy required to grow the magical crystals, with noticeable growth apparent after the passage of each storm. Sages debate whether the crystals feed on the energy of the warpstorms, or if the crystals are a physical manifestation of the warpstorms themselves.   Most commonly, blight crystal is found in varying shades of purple, pink, orange, or yellow. Less common is white, blue, or green. Black crystal is the rarest and most valuable. Crystals the size of a thumb are relatively easy to find and collect and small shards are commonly used in mundane jewelry. It is the larger crystals that require some searching. It can be quite challenging to collect them without damaging them, but they do command the highest prices.   Frequent harvesting, the passage of eldritch storms, and the occasional spontaneous crystal explosions result in a constantly changing landscape. Tall outcroppings, hidden ravines and ever-changing light conditions create a maze-like experience for those entering this crystal expanse. Wise travellers hire the best guide they can afford as their knowledge and experience is invaluable in surviving the crystal fields of the Shimmefell.    
Uses of Blight Crystal
Inventive and curious gnomes have found multiple uses for these eldritch deposits. Blight crystal easily absorbs magical energy and stores it for later use. Most commonly, it provides the raw material for Spell Lattices. Sorcerers and bards from across Riesa flock to Shimmerfell's markets to expand their spell repertoire. Other merchants specialize in magical goggles or lenses, while yet others focus on divine uses for raw crystals. Crafters of rarer and more valuable magic items will also seek raw materials from the crystal harvesters.   More mundane uses for blight crystal have also been found. Alchemical processes allow gnomish crafters to transform raw blight crystal into blood crystal, noqual, or even rare mindglass. Due to the expense of creating these materials, and relatively low demand, very few weapons or armours made from these materials are readily available. However, there are a number of master smiths who have the ability to create these items upon commission. The bearer of such an item is automatically accorded a certain level of respect in the city of Shimmerfell.  
Harvesting Blight Crystal
Collecting raw crystal is a dangerous, but lucrative, occupation. The best hunting of crystals suitable for harvesting occurs immediately after a warpstorm. Such is the urgency to be the first to gather the bounty left behind by a warpstorm that many an impatient harvester is caught in the aftereffects as they leave the safety of the city before the storm has completely passed. Because of the many hazards that seemingly specifically target spellcasters, few harvesting parties take the risk, relying on more mundane protections. Most harvesting groups consists of a guide, one or two harvesters, and a handful of guards who both protect the group and help pack out the raw crystal. Experienced guides can command a high price for their services as they are able to locate the richest pockets of ore with the least danger.  
Common Hazards
Two of the most common encounters in the Shimmerfell are with crystal oozes or crystalline horrors. Crystallized body parts of unlucky harvesters announce the territory of the carnivorous crystal ooze and only the most desperate will chance an encounter with these amorphous creatures. Weird, unnatural humanoids composed of crystal and glass, crystalline horrors also pose a danger to those who enter the Shimmerfell. While they may pose less of a physical challenge to harvesters, these crystalline horrors have much less defined territories and can attack from ambush anywhere in the Shimmerfell. There is some speculation that the borders between the Prime Material and Elemental Earth planes are weakened in this region as crysmal infestations or encounters with gluttonous xorn are not uncommon.   In addition to the crystal monsters, the Shimmerfell contains many other hazards. Unfortunate harvesters may encounter pockets of mnemonic crystals. These clusters of large crystals drain prepared spells from casters in their vicinity. Even if there are no spellcasters in a group, travellers must exercise extreme caution as these fragile growths are easily broken, exploding in a burst of mental energy. Less common, but more dangerous to spellcasters, are the occasional dweormersinks or deadly arcane energy leaks. Especially after the passage of a shadow squall, wary travellers know to look out for growths that act as Viridium or Blight Quartz. One causes disease to those who are harmed by it while the other is a particularly nasty formation that saps the life energy of those near it. Thankfully, they are both relatively unstable and only last a few days before their effects fade.
by WOMBO Dream AI

Crystal Merchants

Shimmerfell merchants specializing in crystal items usually have the items below in stock.  
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