Kymba District Settlement in Rhydar | World Anvil
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Kymba District

"We have conquered the east, the south, and the north. And now, we have conquered the west."
King Avelon V after taking Kymn

Smallest district in the Kingdom of Atla. Hosts the Kymba Military Base and the modern city of Kaika.


The modern people of the Kymba District share most of their features with Annies, with the light skin and brown hair/eyes

The people of the Kymba District, once the City State of Kymn, originally referred to themselves as Kymn. But as an area most influenced by the Atlans and Annies, most ethnic Kymn refer to themselves as Annies. With most within Kymba District unable to trace their heritage back to the Kymn City State.


  • 70% - Ethnic Annie
  • 10% - Ethnic Atlan
  • 05% - Ethnic Rheyan
  • 05% - Ethnic Dayne
  • 03% - Ethnic Primi
  • 03% - Ethnic Viansan
  • 01% - Ethnic Korrla/Other


Elia Kyn of the Kyn Head Family, with her orange eyes and dark features she still expresses many of the features of the ethnic ancient Kymn people

Even though the district is the smallest in terms of land area, it hosts the second most Head Families, with the Primiea District holding the number one spot, at almost 30. The most popular of these two however are the Duasa family of Kaika and the Kyn family of Kymn.


With the Kymba Military base being situated not far from the district's capital, Kaika, and its heavy policing it is no surprise that many people have flocked to this district for its safety alone.

Industry & Trade

Only skilled blacksmiths from the Kymba District know how to make special Swyndled Swords such as these, which compliment the Alwyn combat style

Most business the district makes is in its forging of special alloys into armor and weapons that it sells throughout the rest of the kingdom. Although most of the profits go straight to Almne, there are many high quality independent blacksmiths that have made the Kymba District their home.


Due to the district's small size, and close proximity to the capital, most of its towns and cities are held to the highest standard of architecture in Atla.


City State of Kymn

The modern city of Kymn of almost one million. This city, built on the western cliffs of the Atlan plateau, has stood for almost seven centuries

Before the days of the Polaris Kingdom and the Kingdom of Atla, the City State of Kymn was the largest trading hub for the Rheyans to the east. The old Rhosaya Monarchy had made an alliance with this City State, as they had plenty of ore to sell as well as high quality farmed goods that only grew in Moara. The City State lived a long a prosperous time, lasting almost three centuries, before King Avelon IV came to the western edge of the Atlan plateaus and conquered the city of Kymn with ease, giving the Polaris Kingdom valuable, easy, access to the west that they would hold onto dearly.

Polaris/Kymn Relations

With its futuristic and almost city-like look, and built along the Axa and Anniy rivers, the Kymba Military base is always a work in progress

The Polaris Kingdom, with its new access to the west, grew in wealth and power exponentially. With the ores found in the western Atlan plateau and the farmable land of the Kymn Swamp, the Polaris Kingdom held this area higher than all others. King Molan II constructed a large military base, called Kymba, hidden within the Kymn Swamp, that they would use for testing new technologies and strategies that they would use in the wars to come.
With many of the soldiers living in isolation and hardly being able to leave to return home to their families, King Leon III ordered the construction of a small town that the families of the soldiers live at. As the military grew in size due to the wars against the Dayarin Empire and Rhosaya Republic, this town, called Kaika, began to grow further as more and more families began moving in. By the time of Queen Riana's death and King Leon V's rise to the throne, Kaika had grown into a small city of almost 200,000.

Modern Borders and Kymba District Under Atla

The crowded streets of the towns and cities of the Kymba District have been an issue since the days of King Leon V

With the Treaty of Krisie being signed, creating the Kingdom of Atla, the area surrounding the Kymba military base was made as the borders for the new Kymba District. King Leon V also added a decree into the treaty that allowed for Kaika, the city designed for soldiers families, to be open to all peoples. As people flocked to this tropical district and its modern cities it quickly grew into the most densely populated district, housing more people than the Viansa District despite being half the area. Queen Zinnia and King Ryan Oleander extended the borders of the district to include more of the Kymn Swamp region after many outcries over many complaints about overpopulation in the district. While the borders were increased, it was only slightly and there are still concerns about the district's overpopulation.


With the Kymba military base looking futuristic compared to most other structures within the kingdom, and the city of Kaika being the most modern city within the kingdom, it is no surprise that the structural integrity of the district as a whole is in line with these two sights.


The cliffs of the Kymn peninsula

The beautiful tropical landscape, with the white sandy beaches and high cliffs, that many people go to jump off of yearly, and the district's seclusion from the others making it an ideal spot for many within the kingdom.

Natural Resources

Having the second most amount of Rose Remnant, after the Rhosaya District, and the Rheyan people being very strict with their distribution of it, the Kymba District is the leader in Rose Remnant potions and jewelry

Being rich in ores and having very rich farmable lands, the Kymba District could survive on its own, like the Kymn City State did for many centuries.
Founding Date
19 OK
Alternative Name(s)
Military District, Tropic District, Lem District
Inhabitant Demonym
Kymn (Defunct), Annies
Included Locations
Owning Organization


Kymn Vreuz

Though kicks are not used as much as punches in Kymn Vreuz, foot movements are still the main component of this fighting style

While the ancient Kymn people do have a fighting style, known as the Kaia, with the City State's connection to the Rhosaya Monarchy, they picked up a fighting style from the western Hannu provenience of the old Monarchy, Primi Vreuz. This heavy hitting, kicking fighting style is designed for quick finishes and not long drawn out fights. However, when the Kymn people adapted this fighting style they took it as their own and made some adjustments. Making the fighting style more for dodging than attacking and its reliance on kicks being changed to heavy defensive punches. Kymn Vreuz, as it's called, is actually more used throughout the kingdom than standard Primi Vreuz, possibly because its compliments long, drawn out, fights.



Atlan female practicing Kaia as with their Atlan gold infused sword.

The ancient fighting style of the Kymn people. This fighting style is very similar to the Alwyn fighting style of the Atlans, with its use of two handed, single sword, combat. Although, were Alwyn relies more on power with every blow and with a heavy defensive stance, Kaia is a much more free flowing fighting style. With one required to "move with the wind" as they dance around their enemies. Mostly used against slower moving enemies, this fighting style was mostly used as a counter to Alwyn, with Atlans using it unable to attack Kaia users fast enough.


Large, long range, bows were the weapons of choice for most Kymn soldiers

Though the Kymn have their close range fighting style, Kaia, this was mostly as a way to counter the Alwyn Atlans. Their primary form of attack, being situated at the top of cliffs, was long range archery. Carving large bows hundreds of Kymn archers would rain fire on enemies from below them, making it almost impossible to attack the city from the bottom. With the Atlans already being on the Atla plateau however, this made their archery not as effective against them which is why they created Kaia.


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