The Alchems of Fusa Organization in Resa | World Anvil
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The Alchems of Fusa

The Alchems are the drug cartels of Fusa. They take the mithril sludge that comes from the factories as well as many other resources found in the caverns of Fusa to produce drugs and alchemical substances of all varieties. It is through their efforts that they make advancements such as fully functional artificial limbs, medicines, and enhancing drugs. Often these drugs leave the users addicted, but in the right doses can create unnaturally long lives or effective superhuman qualities.   The Alchems are a group of Artificers who focus their attention on the melding of technology and alchemy. They are the pioneers and innovators of Fusa's C-Tech and some of the breakthroughs on the military front (weapons, armor, power suits, etc) and medical (artificial limbs, drugs, etc). But they deliberately made a fault in a lot of their designs. The arms and armors, along with the artificial limbs require the fuel refined from the run off acquired from the Factory Baron's factories. But it doesn't stop there, the medicines, potions, and elixirs have an addictive nature to them that can get worse and worse with repeated use of their wares. Whether you are using one of their Alchemist Blades or you are in need of healing they got you.


The "Grand Alchemists" lead their faction and teams of alchemists and artificers to create different items of all types, from weapons to limb replacement.   The typical "Alchem" as the citizenry refers to them are the more conventional alchemists and artificers employed by the members.

Public Agenda

Create life altering creations to improve and astound the world, proving Magnus isn't the only city in the world who can be the masters of innovation.


The Alchems presence in Fusa wasn't truly noted by the population until about sixty years prior to the current day. But after years of building strength and power as their own faction, they managed to seed the spark of civil war among the leadership and citizenry of Fusa and after a year of bloodshed the war was brought to a close. That was twenty years ago.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City council
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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