Requiem's realm The History of Requiem's Realm Timeline
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The History of Requiem's Realm

A full overview history of the world.

Ancient History of Requiem's Realm

... 0 BC

  • -600000 AH

    -650000 AH

    The First war of the Gods
    Military action

    The war between the first members of the Demons and Gods. It was the longest and most horrible war ever recorded. The battle literally split the continent of Draconia in half.

  • -599996 AH

    -599997 AH

    The Creation of the Giants

    The Year the Giants were created by the gods to combat the dragons cursed by Lucifer Morgane who had been running rampant.

  • -540000 AH

    -540000 AH

    The Fall of Nuri
    Military action

    The year that the Archangel Nuri was defeated and kidnapped by Lucifer Morgane. The event was a horrible loss for the gods and they are still bitter about it. However the true tragedy was that the Fall of Nuri lead to the birth of Seriel, The most dangerous of all the creatures of hell.

  • -42940 AH

    -42745 AH

    The War of Black Oaths Begins
    Military action

    The year at which the longest war between Dwarves and Elves began.

    Additional timelines
  • -42845 AH

    The First Banquet
    Cultural event

    The day that Cold North accidently agitated the wild magic of hell and started the The Ice Blue Banquet. Nobody  will ever forgive him for that (even if they all have come to enjoy it they never let him know it).

  • -42844 AH

    -42744 AH

    The Second War of the Gods
    Military action

    A one hundred year war between the Demons and the Gods started by Cold North's Banquet prank.

  • -42828 AH

    -42818 AH

    The Battle of Raven Hill
    Military action

    The Battle of Raven Hill was the most gruesome battle of The War of Black Oaths. It was the battle at which The Sentinel of the North first appeared in both elven and dwarven legend. It lasted ten years.

    Additional timelines
  • -42745 AH

    -42746 AH

    The Creation of Humans

    Humans were created by the Gods Diana and Nightmoon with the help of many of their sibling gods in the hopes of ending the violence between the Dwarves and the Elves. Diana and her brother had both agreed that they could not micromanage the mortal races but as the Dragons and the Giants continued for rage war on each other they worried that all four rivals would destroy each other. In an effort to prevent this from happening the gods created the humans as a wild card and imbued them with wild amounts of creativity and determination but so much freedom also made it it very easy for Lucifer and The Seven Deadly Sins to manipulate the gods youngest race.

  • -42743 AH

    -42755 AH

    The Building of Riverstorm
    Construction beginning/end

    The years in which the city of Riverstorm was being constructed.

  • -40711 AH

    -40710 AH

    The Fall of Riverstorm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The year that the Demon Overlords Charlie and Alastair Hellfire razed the city of Riverstorm.

  • -10071 AH

    7 /12
    -10071 AH

    8 /12

    The Vampire and the Dragon
    Military action

    The day that diplomacy failed between Saxon and the Dragon Akahi.

    Additional timelines
  • -1073 AH

    12 /12
    -1074 AH

    9 /3

    The March of the Greenwood
    Military action

    The Elven armies of the Greenwood marched from their homeland in the hopes of wiping the undead off the face of the planet.

    Additional timelines
  • -1000 AH

    -6 AH

    The Third War of the Gods
    Military action

    The Third War of the Gods was the most widespread war in history. Every faction in the world picked aside and only Arthur Pendragon was willing to try and end it. With the help of the wizard Merlin and the Dragon Prince Meliodas Arthur managed to gather enough support to convince Lucifer Morgane to agree to a treaty. Lucifer in turn forced the gods and other races to join in the negotiations.

  • -5 AH

    The signing of Arthur's Contract
    Diplomatic action

    The year that Arthur Pendragon Convinced the major powers of the world to coexist rather than trying to destroy each other.

    More reading
    Arthur's Contract

The Reign of Pendragon

0 BC 4083 AC

For a time the world of Requiem's Realm looked very similar to our own. In the modern age of Requiem's Realm, Also known as The Reign of the Pendragons, most of the world was filled with massive cities inhabited exclusively by humans. It was a time of peace and prosperity but also of segregation and racism as the other races of the world were eventually forced into hiding after Arthur's death.

  • 1 RPD

    -1 RPD

    The Night of Shattering
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The night The Darkening King and his Wings lost their souls and fell into darkness.

  • 4083 RPD

    5 /4
    4083 RPD

    12 /4

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Day that Lucifer Morgane reviled his reasons for signing Arthur's Contract as he and his strongest demons swiftly brought destruction to every corner of the world. The event not only changed the world's geography beyond recognition but also ended The Modern Age. To further the damage done the sudden loss of followers forced many of the Devised Gods to be forgotten and enter an eternal definition until the day that mortals believed in them once again.