Vampire Noble Rank/Title in Requiem's Realm | World Anvil
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Vampire Noble

Vampire Nobles or Aristocrats as they are more formally known are the most common rulers within vampiric society. There are two classes of nobles included in The Vampire Aristocracy. The higher of the two classes are known as the First Generation Aristocrats; also known as First Generation Nobels or Higher Aristocrats. Mortals allowed to drink the blood of a Vampire Princess become First-Generation Nobles. The second class of nobles are less powerful but still hold massive amounts of respect in vampiric society because of their direct relation to First Generation Nobles and are thus known simply as Second Generation Aristocrats; also known as Second Generation Nobles or Lower Aristocrats. Mortals who drink the blood of a Frist Generation Noble become a Second Generation Noble. Both subspecies have different roles and duties within the Genration System but both demand the respect of all vampires.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial


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