The Sacking of Camrac Military Conflict in Requiem | World Anvil

The Sacking of Camrac

On a stormy day around noon, Red Inquisition forces marched into the town of Camrac and began to pillage. They threw people out of their homes and gutted them in the street while their children watched. Their original goal was a peaceful occupation of the town, but the leading officer, a member of the The Magus-Interfectorem used his silver tongue to deceive those under his command into believing that they were a town of mages who were destroying the countryside and consorting with demons. It was not until three days later when the first arrow caught a young mantle in the neck. The Sunrise Rebellion was striking back. This was the first time the group had launched an organized attack against the Inquisition. Hell broke lose as each side met each other with raised swords. Unknown to the occupiers, ten snipers were posted at the edge of the nearby Linnet Wood. These ten archers were able to pick off a majority of the opposing side as the melee combatants held them back. It was a truly bloody battle, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The survivors of the Inquisition wearily traveled back to the capital where they delivered the news of the Sunrise Rebellion to their superiors. A day later, the rebels were officially labeled as terrorists responsible for the deaths of many innocent soldiers and the destruction of Camrac. For the Rebellion who knew nothing of what was happening to the north, it was a hollow victory, if even a victory. The only thing truly gained was the deaths of a good many Inquisition soldiers and justice for the innocent who were taken from their homes and slain. The survivors would never forget the battle, and things would only get worse in the coming years.
Conflict Type


Red Inquisition
Sunrise Rebellion


Mostly composed of untrained militiamen who were recently drafted, with a few higher ranking officers, specifically 5 arbiters and 1 [Blood Seeker].
Mostly composed of untrained folk from across the country, with one commander with military experience.


Heavy casualties: 70% mortality rate, 47 dead, 21 injured
Heavy casualties: 65% mortality rate, 20 dead, 15 injured


Gain control of the town and its resources
Protect the town and save its people while taking out as many redguts as they could.