Ystraka Geographic Location in Requiem From The Ravel | World Anvil
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Third from the blue sun and making the best of its prime location in the habitable zone, Ystraka is home to a single continent in the early stages of splitting apart. With only a dozen or so proper cities across the entire world, Ystraka still belongs primarily to its wilderness, but even its uniquely-dangerous wildlife is not enough to keep away the bold and foolish.   Ystraka has always had an unusually high dragon population, who made extensive materials of the super-dense materials left behind by the Serene, giving them places durable enough for them to inhabit without damaging them, as well as constructing new infrastructure. The cities of Elskata, Bersarth, and Tewan are some of the oldest ever founded.   Predictably, the smaller occupants of Ystraka found themselves at a severe disadvantage when the dragon-led empires in the west set out to acquire more materials from their lands. Around the end of the 13th Age, the middle longitudes of the continent saw the majority of their halcyonite mined out by occupying forces, who realized quickly that it would be easier to simply build cities here as well. Regions to the far east experienced less of this, due to the distances involved. While Elskata never engaged in colonialism or expanded beyond its isles, Tewan and Bersarth's forces would frequently interfere with one another as they built empires. As a result, the territories that would eventually become the cities of Ahrael and Mirel were far better equipped to stand their ground, with the former being positioned on the east coast and otherwise requiring the crossing of a desert to reach it, and the latter being situated even further east and already making use of halcyonite as construction materials for itself.   Even as the frenzy of unbridled expansionism died down, the middle longitudes saw prolonged exploitation at the Bersarthian and Tewani empires, effectively ending nomadic lifestyles on more than two thirds of the planet's liveable area.   In the mid-17th Age, the Foszar Coalition arrived. In exchange for taking these nations in under their administration, they would supply them with minimal personnel so as not to add yet another occupying force, but granted them all the weapons and supplies they needed. Given time, the people of Ystraka were able to resist with greater potency, but in the end, direct action by the Coalition military was deemed necessary after all.   With the empires sufficiently humiliated, Coalition presence remained prevalent along the contested longitudes. It took only decades for dissatisfaction with the arrangement to show itself, as the Coalition also took interest in the abundance of Serene technology waiting to be excavated, though the true extent of it would not be known for Ages to come. Administering four settlements, this newly-involved empire, used to its volcanic, toxic, ash-covered, some would even say desolate homeworld, made poor choices regarding its own infrastructure. Fortunately for all parties involved, public outcry from their own nation was severe enough that they swiftly minimized their involvment, laying claim to only a single city, Kulasht, on the edge of an equatorial desert. However, their cold war with Tewan still stood for nearly the remainder of the century, generally keeping the once-empire dormant in its own lands. Bersarth, on the other hand, saw a reform of its own not long after its surrender, spurred by revolution from its non-dragon population and their sympathizers.   In the early-to-mid 21st Age, when utilizing Serene machinations of any kind became heavily restricted, all nations who had settled Ystraka emancipated their cities as sovereign city-states (the Ahrael, Elskata, Mirel, Tewan, and Zezau territories had never come under the ownership of offworld powers). It is important to stress that this was not an act of supreme benevolence, but of adherence to a mandate unrelated to the welfare of Ystraka. They began to use trade and treaties with these new, independent states as loopholes to continue exploiting the ancient technology present there. But, regardless of how this change came about, for the first time since the first empires on Ystraka rose, its native population experienced prosperity of their own, with life outside the fortified zones even becoming commonplace once again.    In modern times, cultural exchange occurs on a more egalitarian basis, and Ystraka stands as one of only a few free havens in the system; a world largely untouched by urbanization with a wealth of ancient precursor tech still waiting to be discovered, that those who have always tended the land have finally won benefit from once more.  

Geography & Climate

Ystraka is a temperate, humid world. That combined with its high atmospheric oxygen level (33%) has allowed for colossal vegetation to cover most of the continent's surface. The ice caps are small and life is hardy even towards the polar regions. The closest thing to a desolate locale is the desert region near the equator, which does not account for much landmass. Though properly an example of a late-stage pangaea world, Ystraka's continent (also called Ystraka) can be thought of in four sections; northern, equatorial, western equatorial, and southern. The deserts are present on the latter three, but the western equatorial is the least affected, as a mountain range rests close to its southeastern coast, shielding Bersarth from it, though centuries of mining the range for Halcyonite has affected the local climate somewhat.   Channels flow through Ystraka, allowing its ocean to connect with itself ininterrupted. Its deepest point is over 26000 meters below the surface, though depths of 19000 to 20000 are not particularly uncommon.  

Flora & Fauna

While Ystraka is known for the enormity of its wildlife, they truly come in all sizes, though smaller does not mean less dangerous by any means. What would be considered megafauna in most other places provides ample food for the dragon population with plenty more to go around, especially the sea life, for those with the access and courage. One undeniable example of charismatic megafauna however is the ebonwolf; not a canine as its name would suggest, but a communal, draconic species that exhibits familiar pack behavior, albeit at an average of ten meters at shoulder height.   Nearly universal among native plant species is the sheer quantity of ethylene they produce. An important hormone in regulating growth in any plant, the concentration of it in circulation on Ystraka creates a visible haze in just about any forested environment. The luminous pollen of certain species refracts in this haze, creating an wondrous spectacle.  

Natural Resources

For a time, the most contested resource of all was Halcyonite, and Ystraka continues to be its primary source. However, its value is far less than that of the preserved Serene relics still found in hidden ruins buried by time, in astonishing numbers. Never-before-seen pieces of lost progenitor technology are uncovered with escalating frequency, which are either curated and researched domestically or sold to offworld buyers, depending on how the guilds involved do business.  


Above all other things, Ystraka is known for its lucrative relic-hunting scene. Adventurers from all over the system sign on with a domestically-administered guild and explore the vast wilds for remnants of the Serene. Should places just beneath the surface ever run out, sprawling artificial cave systems reclaimed by tectonic activity provide what feels to many like an endless array of sunken cities... or whatever it is the Serene used these places for.   While tourism for the purposes of idle leisure is restricted and generally discouraged, there are two city-states that make exceptions to this rule. Kurya, a Prelature outpost built near the southern polar region, provides a taste of central Grym Prelature lifestyle without their stringent theocratic rules. The city Ulgengir, a collaborative settlement founded in peacetime by the House of Ulgengir searching for like-minded benign demon-worshippers, is a prime destination for the esoterically-secular, as well as those looking for some of the best healers in the Ravel without braving a trip to Aenku.
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