Ahrasu Geographic Location in Requiem From The Ravel | World Anvil
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The Ahrasu system is one of four clustered around The Eye at the center of Serenity's Ravel . Ahrasu emits radiance compatible with Fluxreaders, casters who manipulate aether to shape their spells.  

Notable Satellites

  • Hezel, first from the sun, and sustaining the hottest surface temperature in the Ravel. Evidence of ancient Serene activity is etched into the surface and visible from space. Homeworld of the Hezelom, a race of mineral-based lifeforms.
  • Faigan, second from the sun, a hot and arid world with a sea composed of toxic gas.
  • Ystraka, third from the sun, bearing a single continent primarily covered in thick jungle.
  • Azarha, fourth from the sun, 96% covered by water and ice, but home to isles that float in the sky.
  • Ikaab, largest in the system, a gas giant with several moons, three habitable: Karn, Suna, Iyiyi.
  • Tinlekh, a ringed, rocky planet with no atmosphere.
  • Wassa, a smaller gas giant with a high concentration of vaporized mercury that sometimes projects a blue-green light through the upper layers.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blue Sun, The Sun of Light, The Fluxreader's Star
Star System
Location under
Included Locations


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