Zess Character in Renedge | World Anvil


Zessyr Koravel (a.k.a. Zess)

An avarial ex-mercenary. She is a ranger and arcane archer.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

When adventuring, Zess wears angelic chain mail armor and an evil-looking dark crown named the Crown of Demons.   Under all her adventuring gear, Zess can typically be found wearing jeans and a Lost Prophets band t-shirt. They aren't things you'd expect to find in a fantasy world, but there are perks to being an interdimensional mercenary.

Specialized Equipment

  • Raven Wing, a wing-like black bow
  • the Quiver of Marduke, a warm, red quiver that makes arrows put in it flaming
  • an immovable rod
  • a belt chain
  • Star Stone (a demi-plane)
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Zess grew up in a family of mercenaries allied with the Black Falcon mercenary company. Her clan is the origin of the company's iconography. Her parents died when she was young, so she and her siblings were raised by her two older brothers.   Zess's clan and the Black Falcons found themselves in Argerus after being chased off their world of origin (which was destroyed behind them), and they eventually allied with Leithien on Renedge and became defunct. After the mercenary company disbanded, Zess settled down in Castle Fallingstar, though she also had a fort.   An unfortunate draw from a deck of many things but the kibosh on all of that: The draw made her lose all of her reputation, which manifested as employees and followers becoming disgruntled even though she'd done nothing wrong. It went so far as to make her family members refuse to talk to her.   Her homes and contacts lost, Zess was subsequently taken in by House Avanthus of Leithien.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Zess saved the little interdimensional spider-girl who became known to the world as Nicce. Zess's party came across Nicce's egg during one of their adventures, and where everyone else in the party wanted to leave it or crush it, Zess saved and protected it.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Zess tries to do the right thing, but being a former merc she's a bit hard-bitten and world weary. In short, she's jaded with a heart of gold.

    Personality Characteristics


    Zess is just enjoying her freedom and getting paid while doing so. (She likes helping out a bit too.)

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Zess is an accomplished mecha pilot, having learned the skill during an adventure on Cubit.

    Likes & Dislikes

  • Being an avarial, Zess doesn't like fire and tight spaces, though her experience as a mercenary has lessened the severity. (Avarial are claustrophobic and their wings are highly flammable.)
  • Likes a bit of professionalism in people she's working with.
  • Likes practicing with her bow and taking morning flights.
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

  • Elthien Avanthus: Zess's boyfriend, and a prominent member of House Avanthus of Leithien.
  • Knight of Darkhome: King of New Hallownest. Former adventuring buddies, continued friends. Zess is Knight's primary contact when looking for mercenaries.
  • Family Ties

    Zess's parents are deceased. She has two older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother. All are currently estranged due to Zess's mishap with a deck of many things.

    Hobbies & Pets

  • Sul, a two-toned black and grey hawk (Zess's familiar)
  • a large black roc whose name is as yet unknown (Zess's epic mount)
  • Wealth & Financial state

    Zess owns two spelljammers and has them equipped with captains and crews.
    Chaotic Good
    Year of Birth
    128 RL 151 Years old
    Long, black with red streaks
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale skin. Wing feathers are black, with a red patch near the shoulder like on a male red-winged blackbird.
    ~90 lbs.
    Aligned Organization

    Character Portrait image: Zessyr by L. Marty


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