Yellow Formians Species in Renedge | World Anvil

Yellow Formians

A species of yellow antfolk that resides in the Meridan Underdark. They are all naturally linked into a hive mind, but they are fiercely individualist despite this.

Basic Information


Yellow formians are approximately human-sized insects with a centauroid body plan. They closely resemble ants. There are a number of specialized subspecies (workers, soldiers, etc.) with varying sizes and capabilities.

Genetics and Reproduction

Yellow formians rely on queens for reproduction. Queens lay vast quantities of eggs, allowing the formians to rapidly expand their population as needed.


Yellow formians are fiercely individualistic unless that individuality is counter to the hive's interests, at which point it must be stamped out. They are violently xenophobic and expansionist. They only see other formians as living, thinking beings; all other species are considered resources to be harvested or environmental threats to be destroyed if they are considered at all.
Geographic Distribution
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