Yellow Formian Empire Organization in Renedge | World Anvil

Yellow Formian Empire

A civilization of yellow formians in the Meridan Underdark. Originating as slaves in a grell city, the yellow formians are believed to have rebelled and wiped out the grell, taking over the city and surrounding territory. The formians are xenophobic, expansionist, and more than a little insane.


The fellow formians are all mentally linked, yet are fiercely pro-individual... except when that individual goes against the will of the society, which somewhat hypocritically takes away from the whole idea of individual identity. Still, some few that make great strides for the hive can get away with a lot more, if such individual thought furthers the hive. This means that the rich and powerful are idea men, researchers, and successful experienced soldiers (aka high-level).


As of November of 23 ARL, the Empire boasted hundreds of thousands of potential combatants, multiple elite adventuring parties, more than three queens, and seven large caverns.

Foreign Relations

The yellow formians have no regard for other civilizations or forms of life. By all appearances, they are universally hostile to all sapient beings or potential threats that do not register as part of their hive. Non-formians are to be killed, their resources taken, and their land claimed.   The Empire is expansionist and xenophobic to the core.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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