Exploding Nightmare Devastation Spell in Renedge | World Anvil

Exploding Nightmare Devastation

By all appearances, the apocalypse has come, and the environment hates your targets specifically. Range 100 yards, AOE 100 cubic yards.


Each turn, all living creatures in the area of effect take damage equal to X% of their maximum hit points, where X is the spell's caster level. All terrain in the area counts as difficult terrain and vision in the area is limited. Opponents in the area are slowed and take a net -7 penalty to save and hit for the duration, with immunity to fear providing no protection.   The spell can be sustained as a full action. Despite it looking like the world is ending/burning/being destroyed in the AOE, no actual damage is sustained by the area.
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Hallownestian Void
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Standard action
100 yards


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