Edward Harecks Character in Renedge | World Anvil

Edward Harecks

Edward Bartholomew Harecks (a.k.a. Ed)

A gruff, bearded man who runs a junkyard in Terragon. Rather than a junkyard dog, he has a junkyard hydra named Nessie. Thanks to treasure Terana DelGarrod's adventuring party found buried under the junkyard in late 23 ARL, Ed now has the resources he needs to build a dracohydra sanctuary. He'll need it: The party also discovered that Nessie was pregnant with eight little dracohydras thanks to a visit from a very nice draconic gentleman.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stocky and bearded. It's not entirely clear whether Ed is a human or a very large dwarf.


Contacts & Relations

  • Has good relations with the extraplanar adventurers Terana DelGarrod, Knight of Darkhome, Zaran, and Kal'vus.
  • Hobbies & Pets

  • Ed's junkyard guardian is an eight-headed female acid hydra named Nessie.
  • Wealth & Financial state

  • Ed's Junkyard, containing lots of kinds of metal junk. Wrecked cars are plenty.
  • Deeds to various valuable properties around Terragon, thanks to an old mob cache some adventurers found in his junkyard.
  • Lots of gold and platinum from the aforementioned mob cache.
  • Alignment
    True Neutral
    Current Location
    Current Residence
    Ed's Junkyard, Terragon


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