Dwarf Species in Renedge | World Anvil


A stocky humanoid race known for mining, sturdiness, and excellent metalworking and stonecarving. Dwarves usually prefer to build their settlements underground, making the mountains themselves their fortifications and carving out new resources and new living spaces at the same time. Dwarf society is typically very traditional, paying great respect to their ancestors and their ways and only changing in response to extreme situations.   More general information can be found on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, here.

Basic Information


Short, stocky humanoids with a wide variety of skin and hair colors. Male dwarves typically sport long beards, which they prize highly.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Genetic Descendants
200+ years
Average Height
4-5 ft.
Average Weight
150 lbs.
Average Physique
Broad, stocky, and well-muscled.
Related Organizations

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