Aramil Character in Renedge | World Anvil


Aramil Galanodel

A sorcerer and paladin who serves with the Company of Steel.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Aramil's signature spell is Thurgumund's Fire, which projects a cone of flame with a selectable balance between duration and intensity.

Apparel & Accessories

Aramil wears a full suit of golden plate armor accented by an impressive lordly mantlet. Magically stored within the mantlet are Aramil's primary weapons, the Sword of Hope and a +5 Holy Vengeance Dragonslayer Lance. The Sword of Hope, previously the evil Doomblade, looks like a massively oversized runeblade that has been shattered, with holy light holding the pieces together as a usable blade. The dragonslayer lance, with the power of a Holy Avenger and a chance to instantly kill a true dragon struck, is 8 feet long when stored but extends to 25 when in use.   Aramil also carries a composite longbow for those cases where range is needed and magic doesn't work or would be a waste.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally a more mundane-looking elven sorcerer, Aramil joined a crusade delving into demon-infested ruins that had once been a dwarven civilization. The crusade went poorly. Aramil was one of only a few survivors, coming back armed with an adventuring party, spellcasting-compatible armor, unusual spells, and a corrupted artifact longsword called the Doomblade.   Inspired by the crusaders and the equipment he'd acquired, Aramil was determined to purify the sword and train as a paladin so he could wield it.   Divine attempts to purify the sword failed in Aramil's homeland, so he searched further afield. Whether divine intervention or strange luck, Aramil found himself transported to Renedge, being dropped into the ocean next to the ship the adventuring Company of Steel were using to reach their next destination. They fished him out of the water and he joined their quest.


Contacts & Relations

Aramil is in a relationship with a human woman named Tatiana. She works as the Lachland equivalent of a combat medic.   Aramil has a little dragon familiar/soul fragment named Ankova who advises him on magical matters.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Doing paladin work in (Lachland?)
Glowing blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Pelor? Ranthael?
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial


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