2022/05/04: Rift Exploration Part 3 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2022/05/04: Rift Exploration Part 3 Report

General Summary

Knight, Ruby, Eldrin, Sith, Kenju, Reela, Malakai   Malakai got dropped through dimensions and landed between us and the eye golem. He was sent to deliver a pixie named Athenae to Eldrin.   The golem’s metal shell was invulnerable to all but fire, which healed it, strengthened it, and made it larger. Its gem’s front was invulnerable. Eldrin had the clever idea to hit it with enough fire that the body expanded and we could reach the back of the eye. The spell casters blasted it until Knight and Ruby could get in and tear it apart.   We found a humanoid golem in a big chest under the room’s floor. “The Shield Golem of Kai Rak”. Sith connected with it (by filling it with squirrels?).   Athenae gave her message to Eldrin. It was a letter from Sith’s wife. Apparently they’ve had to reset time twice to prevent our quest from going horribly wrong, primarily because Necrosa is in the area.   We went across the next bridge, and we found the unicorn-riding adventuring party facing off with an Eastern martial arts-type adventuring group. The other group used a surprise arrow to knock out the unicorn party with some valuable poison, then left. We stepped in to wake them up and cure the poison. After some talking, we’ve agreed to work with the Unicorn Clan party to retrieve the lamp and seal the rift. After that’s done, we’ll take the lamp to let the dragon borrow it, then we need to go and talk to their clan leader and discuss whether we can take the lamp back to the Black Samurai. An alliance may be in order.

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