Remnant neonphage The First Combat Bots

The First Combat Bots

Technological achievement


Not long after House Industries released the X-01 Urban Sentinel, House Industries the released the X1 Pathfinder, a Combat Bot capable of escorting the Urban Sentinel. Using technologies bought from Boston Dynamics and improved by Company Engineers, the X1 Pathfinder was a highly mobile unit capable of working with soldiers.   Not only was it cheap to produce but the X1s were also outfitted with voice mods that sound very similar to B1 battle droids from Star wars and allowed to have personalities. X1s were deployed more broadly in African and Middle Eastern areas and eventually were deployed in Eastern Europe,   X1s were not the unthinking automatons that they were believed to be however, Many X1s developed the ability to form attachments to their squadmates. This concerned some but was embraced by the US Army at the time for how it improved the overall performance of Combat Sqauds compared to Sqauds with X1s that didn't form attachments.

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