Remnant neonphage Advanced Cybernetics becomes Commercial

Advanced Cybernetics becomes Commercial

Technological achievement


While at this stage Advanced Cybernetics to replace vital organs and bones has been in used for a long time by the military, Commercial Variants finally hit the markets and revolutionise the way Cybernetics work for the average Citizen. Now just about any organ or part can be replaced and it didn't take long for the use of it to catch on.
  However, Class Divides ensure that the technology would be wage-gated, a reality that would only become more obvious with time. This meant that old School treatments were not phased out as they should've been when such technologies became available.
  Maxwell and Hotoka were major Distributors for Cybernetic parts and also pooled more money into Synthetics to advanced the field and push the limits of what is possible.

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Neonphage History (2036 - 2079)