Remnant neonphage Neo Democratic Signal Boosting

Neo Democratic Signal Boosting

Political event


Right Wing Politics is massively signal-boosted across American Media, but not the Right Wing Politics so many had gotten used to opposing. Neo-Democatic though very much started here. The Messaging pays lip service to LGBTIQ+ Values and critique of Western Imperialism but largely focuses on messages of Strong Authority and the Central identity of the Nation.   Universal Healthcare, Lower Medical Prices, More efficient work Hours and Cheaper College were just a handful of the messaging the Proto-Neo Democratic Faction of the Democrat party levelled. Legalism and the Rule of Law were also huge talking points.    To gain Moderate democrats, Revised Family Values, American Exceptionalism and Jingoistic talking points also found their home in Neo-Democratic messaging. This boosted the Popularity of the Democratic Party but also began shifting the party policy platforms.    Progressive Democrats began finding Greater and Greater difficulty operating within the Democratic party, some went to the third party and centralise enough resources to surpass the Republican Party as it retreats to further and further extremism, drifting more Moderate Conservatives to the Democrats.   By 2030, Neo-Democratic Right Wing Politics was the 2nd largest ideology facing against progressivism that was the largest faction with little institutional power to show for their epic scope.

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