Remnant neonphage The First Martian War

The First Martian War

Military: War


Imperial China launched its attack on the Martian Colonies, Setting up the Militaristic Colony of Emperor Point was vast Imperial Armies of machines and Troopers. Striking out at the Russians and Americans first. The war was violent, seeing many minor outposts and facilities bombed and slaughtered to the last colonist, threatening the fragile state of Martian colonisation.   Imperial Purge Teams also incinerate any Martian life they could to ensure that only they are the supreme beings of the Solar System. This is met with animous hostile action by all Martian colonies who united to take down The Imperial Chinese.   The United Nations condemns Imperial China for turning what should've been a huge step for Humanity, into another desperate scramble against extinction. Imperial China threatened to Nuke Mars into Glass if any nations intervened, causing them to stay their own for the sake of Mars.  
"This just goes to prove, Technology has outsized Human Maturity, and now we are reaping the consequences of it. We are racing against the Clock yet the nations of the world are hellbent on fighting a War, what for? Beats me." - Spokesmen Harriet Wynners, United Nations Spokesmen

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