Remnant neonphage The Bundestag Strike

The Bundestag Strike

Military action


British Operatives attempt to Assassinate German Authorities. The Operation was green-lit by British Intelligence as necessary to stop the rise of Nazism in Europe. Operatives were authorised to Show no Mercy.    This meant that Operatives were clear to eliminate anyone and everyone. The Bundestag and Bellevaule Palace. Various Court houses and City halls were also targeted. The Operation was conducted by SAS, Royal Marines and 47 Squadron in the Royal Airforce.    At 7 PM, Multiple shootings were conducted with several key political figures shot including large numbers of the AfD Party before German Special forces could respond and attack the British Operatives. By 9 PM, British Special Forces were in the process of Ex-Filling after losing a couple of members and inflicting greater casualties.    After all British Members were out of the way, British Bombers flew over head and bombed the Bundestag to finish anyone off but most were shot down by German Air Forces.  After the strike, the German government began the process of turning into a Stratcracy led by Nazi Military leaders, Britain had failed to stop the rise of nazism in Germany.

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