The Crowned Order Organization in Rebus | World Anvil
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The Crowned Order

Under the command of the Crowned Commandant, the Crowned Order protects and ensures the security of the kingdom.


The Crowned Commandant leads the Order in following the directions of the King or otherwise appointed head of Centuron. Any orders the Commandant receives is relayed toward their three generals. Each directing a section of the Order: the castle guard, settlement enforcer, periphery security, and regional military. The multiple sections vary in numbers and skill. The settlement enforcers have the largest numbers but are spread thin across the country. Whereas the castle guard have the fewest members, but have been specifically chosen for their skill and talent. While the regional military is constantly recruiting and training soldiers at any opportunity. The periphery security are sent along with diplomats to ensure the safety of foreign affairs.


Each quarter receives varying degrees of respect from the citizens of Centuron. Castle guard are treated with honor and nobility even when ones origins are from a lower class. Settlement enforcers receive distrust and malice which creates a vicious cycle when they respond with the same in turn. Amongst their own ranks the regional military is revered, while they are often dismissed and forgotten until they are needed. Due to the constant travel, the periphery security attracts adventurous spirits looking to see more of the world. However, it is also considered a retirement destination for soldiers looking to benefit and enjoy the country they spent most of their life serving.

Public Agenda

As a whole, the Crowned Order proclaims protect and ensure the honor and safety of the kingdom. All guards follow the oath of the Order, and are expected to be shining examples for the populace. Each section adopts the oath and makes additions to best represent the ideals they serve.


The Four Sections of Order


Castle Guard

  • 500 Honored fighters
  • 50 Honored mages, including the Precipitic Wizard
  • 25 Attained

Settlement Enforcer

  • 250,000 guards in total
  • 100,000 of which are located in the capital Solcity
  • 150,000 are spread throughout the towns and villages in the rest of Centuron

Periphery Security

  • 50,000 Envoys
  • The majority of which are inexperienced leading to a high turnover rate
  • A strong minority are seasoned fighters who continue to serve their kingdom in a more relaxed manner

Regional Military

  • 100,000 Soldiers
  • 30,000 Magically Adept
  • 500 Warships, Crew of 40, can hold ~500 including crew

Together we dominate.

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Order, Crowned Guard, Guard,
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Orderer, Knight, Soldier, Guard
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles

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