Vlad Svytloslaw Character in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil

Vlad Svytloslaw



Early life

  The tale of Vlad Svytloslaw is steeped in the gravitas of royalty and the stark realities of rulership. His story unfolds in the grand tapestry of Kyrus, a realm shaped by his lineage, stretching back through the ages, commanding the destinies of both Syiv and Krestok before their historic union in to the Tsardom.   From the cradle, destiny whispered of future sovereignty to Vlad, his path was illuminated by the birthright of the Tsar's mantle. At the tender crossroads of childhood and rulership, merely fifteen springs into his journey of life, the heavy crown of legacy awaited him. The palace halls echoed with the hushed footsteps of his two younger brothers, each shadowed by the specter of courtly machinations.  


  Vlad's ascent unraveled the somber truth of power: it is a magnet for feigned allegiances, a throne encircled by the insidious grasp of hidden intents. This lesson was etched into his soul in betrayal's darkest ink, as his brothers' covert dissent, stoked by the fervent whispers of voracious factions, came to light. The viper's nest of conspiracy met its end in a swift, unyielding decree, with his kin laid to rest, their treacherous echoes silenced alongside their conspirators.   With the throne unassailed, Tsar Vlad turned to the monumental task of nation-crafting. His marriage, a union of strategic design rather than the tender vines of romance, bore the fruits of succession, five heirs to the Svytloslaw name. Yet, the specter of fratricide cast long shadows over familial bonds. Thus, he entrusted his progeny not to the uncertain care of kin but to the robust hands of the realm's frontier, to allies of unwavering loyalty and generals of strategic acumen.  


  War, like a persistent drumbeat, throbbed on the horizon as Ardechia, covetous of Krestok's bounty, sought to capitalize on Kyrus's momentary disarray. Vlad's eldest son, forged in the crucible of military genius, rose to command. Under his banner, Zelenopul was reclaimed from the clutches of the foe, a triumph marred by youthful hubris, culminating in a fatal chase and the prince's untimely demise.   Sorrow cast its pall over Vlad, the weight of loss bending but not breaking the will of a sovereign. Peace was brokered with Ardechia, the rugged spine of the Diynar Mountains etched as the indelible line dividing nations, a testament to the cost of conflict and the fragility of peace.   The second and third sons of Vlad, bound by an indissoluble fraternal bond, personified the duality of warrior and scholar. Their lives, a confluence of courage and curiosity, were tragically truncated by the unforgiving force of nature. The Messial Mountains, in their majestic silence, unleashed a torrent of snow that buried the promise of tomorrow under its icy shroud, claiming the lodge that housed the brothers and silencing their vibrant spirits.   In the wake of relentless tragedy, Tsar Vlad Svytloslaw found himself ensnared by the tendrils of paranoia. The once-vibrant corridors of Tsarigrad Palace echoed with hushed commands as he ordained the sequestration of his daughter, Sara. She was confined to the highest tower, a gilded cage high above the sprawling city, her isolation a paternal edict born from fear, a fear that she too might become a pawn in the ruthless game of dynastic chess that had claimed her brothers.   Sara's singular gift as a Frost Mage only served to cast her further from the light of favor, particularly in the eyes of the Svozno Patriarchate. Her innate command of ice was anathema to their creed, a chilling testament to the elemental discord between ice and fire.   The Tsar's youngest son, Bogdan, the sole male scion left to carry the torch of the Svytloslaw name, was spirited away to the storied Gap of Grief. This ancient threshold, ensconced between the towering Iglophian and Messial Mountains, was steeped in history, a silent witness to The Great Migrations of the Slaya. Yet, fate's cruel machinations were not yet spent. An Ogre warband, straying far from their northern bastions, assaulted the keep. Amidst the mist's blinding veil, they unleashed carnage, seizing the young prince among others, and dragging them into the grim uncertainty of captivity or death.  


  The news of this disaster stoked the embers of Vlad's wrath to a roaring inferno. He decreed the execution of the keep's command for their grievous failure, their pleas for clemency lost to the gales of his fury. The Tsar was besieged by suspicions of orchestrated calamity, conspiracies weaving their dark threads through the fabric of his family, his lineage, his very nation.   Sealed within his fortress of solitude, Vlad's heart ossified. Once a proud ruler, he became a figure of ice, his edicts harsh and his countenance forbidding. The once-mighty Tsar was now a specter of distrust, his gaze an icy blade that few could endure.   In the midst of this tempest stood Sara, his cherished progeny, the last beacon of his legacy. Vlad, in a fervent commitment to her future sovereignty, shattered centuries of tradition, rewriting the laws of inheritance. The ripples of this act unsettled the bedrock of Kyrusian society, drawing the ire of traditionalists and the church alike.  

Cold War

  But Sara, with the spirit of winter's rebellion in her veins, chafed against the constraints of her royal birthright. Her audacious escapes from the palace, her elemental might on full display, earned her the awe of many and the enmity of the Svozno Patriarchate. They branded her an Ice Witch, and harbinger of the nation's ruin.   A compromise emerged from the frost, a protective Ice Court to orbit around Sara. Tsar Vlad, in his love, surrounded her with fellow Frost Mages, for only they could be trusted, a crystalline shield against the rising animosity of the patriarchate. Princess Sara, at the heart of this glacial retinue, began to gather those who shared her affinity for the frigid arts, her will as unyielding as the ice she wielded.   As Sara prepared to ascend to a throne shadowed by heresy and hostility, the court watched with bated breath. The Divine Flame's patriarchate saw not a future ruler but an omen of their faith's demise - a challenge to the very essence of fire they worshipped. In the frost-kissed halls of Tsardom of Kyrus, a cold war simmered, the future of a great nation hanging in the balance, its fate intertwined with the saga of a Tsar, his Frost Mage daughter, and the elemental divide that threatened to engulf them all.  


  Tsar Vlad Svytloslaw is a ruler carved from the harsh bedrock of duty and shaped by the storms of betrayal and loss. Ascending the throne in his youth, he quickly developed a steely pragmatism and a wariness of feigned loyalty. His reign, marked by decisive action and strategic ruthlessness, has been a relentless effort to preserve his dynasty amidst a mire of political machinations.   The loss of his sons to war and calamity fortified his resolve but deepened his paranoia, leading to extreme measures to protect his daughter, the last scion of his line. His love for her is the singular warmth in his austere rule, revealing a father's fierce commitment beneath the ruler's icy exterior.   As his rule approaches its dusk, Vlad is a figure of solitude and mystery, a man whose heart is a fortress as impenetrable as his will, commanding his nation with an iron grip forged from a lifetime of sovereign burdens.


Sara - the Ice Princess


Towards Vlad Svytloslaw



Vlad Svytloslaw


Towards Sara - the Ice Princess



Vlad Svytloslaw


Towards Broglan - the Barbarian



Broglan - the Barbarian


Towards Vlad Svytloslaw



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tsar of Kyrus
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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