Saint Elder's Cathedral Building / Landmark in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil

Saint Elder's Cathedral


  Saint Elder's Cathedral is one of, if not the grandest constructions ever achieved by Mankind, at least, without involving magic. It was built and is still owned and operated by the Church of the Mason.  


  The Cathedral is a sturdy and imposing building, built from bricks and stone that stand tall in the midst of the dense urban environment. The brick walls are punctuated by tall arched windows that let in a soft glow of light during the day, and are seen flickering of internal torch light at night.   In front of the grand building, there is a wide plaza where crowds may gather in anticipation of a ceremony, or to be granted entry to attend a mass. It is covered in a smoothed stone pavement, and is surrounded by offices and barracks owned by the Church's administration. The plaza is under the direct protection and authority of the Masonite Order, not the city guard. As such, any deviants that the Church deems unfavourable are swiftly expelled from the area, this includes most non-Humans, suspected Mages, and vagrants.   The main entrance in to the Cathedral is a very tall and wide double door, complete with a steel portcullis just behind them. The double doors are arched, and the stone above them is similarly decorated with arching overhangs, both on the outside as well as on the inside. Above the double doors that lead into the church is a large stone carving of the holy hammer, surrounded by flames that seem to dance and flicker in the wind.  


  Passing the main entrance is the main hall, which is a very wide and long hall with high ceilings. The nave of the hall is parted from the side isles by very thick stone columns, which reach up to the roof itself. The side isles also have a second tier overlooking the nave below, which one can reach via adjacent stairways accessible from hallways running parallel to the main hall.  
  At the far end of the main hall, three steps ascend to the chancel, from where the priests holds a ceremony, and behind which the choir sits. In the centre of the chancel, a brazier stands, where the holy fire is maintained, and is always lit.   Directly behind them, a golden central altar, which seems to emanate a holy aura. The altar is adorned with several small braziers that burn with a sacred flame, and the walls are decorated with tapestries that depict scenes of men and women toiling in the fields, or of great cities being built by the hands of the faithful.   The pews of the church are made from dark red wood, and each is adorned with a cushion of the same hue. The stained glass windows that line the walls depict scenes of the faithful at work, and the hammer and flame of the Mason are prominently displayed in each.   The priests of the church, clad in their red robes, move about the building with a solemn grace, tending to the needs of the faithful and ensuring that the holy flame never falters. In this place of worship, the faithful come to seek guidance and solace, and to reaffirm their commitment to the holy work of the Mason.  

Right wing

  Next to the cathedral hall is the Masonite's dormitories, along with the personal quarters and office of the high priest, these mainly being on the second floor of an adjacent building which curves around a central courtyard in a square U shape, with the ground floor housing a kitchen and a mess hall. There are also a minor armory and a library.   The courtyard is nothing special, paved with rough cobble and with sparse greenery.  

Left wing

  On the left flank of the cathedral lies one of the Mason's grander foundries. As to the Church and it's followers, their faith is in their craft, so their places of worship are also places of production.   The building is made out of thick durable stone supported with steel frames, both to make it more secure, as well as to muffle out the sound of roaring industry. As it is a place of steam, sweat, and molten steel. This is where the faithful hone their craft and create, but it is also where they force captive heathens to make amends and slave away in chains by endlessly feeding fuel to their forges.  

Bell tower

  The Cathedral has a massive bell tower on it's right side, with it's private courtyard in between the main hall and the tower. It reaches far in to the sky and is equipped with large mechanised bells that are set to begin ringing out automatically on set timers. The bells are large and loud, and can be heard through out the entirety of the city. They are used as a fire alarm as well.  


  Saint Elder's Cathedral is situated in the centre of Starigrad's South Quarter district.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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