Kastkardian Calendar in REALMS | World Anvil
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Kastkardian Calendar

The Kastkardian Calendar is the calendar used for the entirety of the Realm of Kastkardia. It was initially developed by attempting to calculate the period of time it took for a single revolution of The Shroud to complete, however after the system was developed, it became apparent that these revolutions were inconsistent at the best of time, and totally random at the worst, which left the calendar simply as a system with no grounding in reality.    The calendar is broken up into cycles and divisions. Each cycle contains 10 divisions, and each division has 30 subdivisions. The convention for writing a date as it appears on the calendar is as follows:   
X/D:Y.Z where X is the cycle, Y is the division, and Z is the subdivision.
  For example, the 10th subdivision of the 6th division of the 1000th cycle would appear as 1000/D:6.10.    Each subdivision contains a total of 24 hours, broken up into 60 minutes each. The time of a subdivision is represented as a 4-digit number, with the first two digits representing the hour and the second two digits representing the minute. In order to denote a time of day on a specific subdivision, an @ symbol is simply put between the subdivision number and the 4-digit number that represents the time. For example, 1000/D:6.10 @ 1310 would represent the 10th minute of the 13th hour of the 10th subdivision of the 6th division of the 1000th cycle.   

Time in Kastkardia

  The Realm of Kastkardia does not have any form of day/night cycle, and as such the role of the Kastkardian calendar is simply to provide some sort of agreed-upon way of documenting the passage of time, and does not necessarily represent the actual passage of time. Because the calendar is not rooted in any sort of environmental changes, those in charge of the technology that governs the maintenance of the calendar could, theoretically, manipulate the time and date at their own will, and even alter the relative speed of the passage of time as it relates to the calendar. Although this is possible in theory, in practice it would serve little purpose, as the inhabitants of Kastkardia would simply adjust to the new timings.


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