Wolfkin Species in Realm of the Blind God | World Anvil
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"As he slashed the neck of the Shadowspawn before him, Hemming sung his praises to Osran, a name not yet known in that time." - Songs of the War of the Shadow, referring to a known Wolfkin hero.
by Petar Penev DNAVENOM
A reclusive and mysterious people, the Wolfkin inhabit the vast wilderness of Halaran. Wolfkin are Human individuals who develop a relationship with Wolves early in their life, learning how to communicate with wolves and even to turn into one, they are no true lycanthropes. While the origin of the Wolfkin is unknown, their discovery among South and Northlanders points to their existence at least dating back to Mankind's time in Kretath, if not earlier.

In the Far Corners of the World

Wolfkin keep away from most civilized areas because they find the lack of wolves to speak with distressing. Most live in small towns or hamlets, but a select few find themselves living out in the wilderness with their pack. Wolfkin are distrusted and feared by the common folk due to their strange appearance and association with lycanthropes. Few people understand what a Wolfkin is and can actually recognize them for what they are, but their appearance is still somewhat unsettling. Those in lands with a distrust of Wolfkin tend to live out in the wilderness, while those in Einaran or Chevelian lands can live some measure of a normal life.

It is only in Einar and Chevel that Wolfkin are not distrusted, due to their history in both countries. In Einar, lycanthropy is already accepted, so a Wolfkin is not too unusual. Chevel's acceptance of Wolfkin has only begun more recently with the rediscovery of Arulosion. Arulosion was a stopping point of the Human migration to Isan during the Archaic Age, one that was believed to only be a legend until recently. During the Gray War, captured Grayskins were interrogated and revealed the existence of the landmass and its use in the supply lines of the invasion. The Chevelians launched a crusade to find and reconquer their ancient land, only to find a group of Wolfkin already inhabiting it. These Wolfkin practiced an ancient form of the Northlander faith and spoke Old Tongue. The Chevelians became fascinated with these living fossils and came to accept and revere the Wolfkin as ancient stewards of their land.

Connection to the Dreamtime

The Dreamtime is an ephemeral realm that is reflected in every Mortal and Starry Realm. It contains the dreams of all beings, all of which are contained on the "outer layer" of the Dreamtime. In the "inner layer" is the Deep Dream, which is a shifting reflection of every world at every time. Those who can traverse the Deep Dream can catch glimpses of the past, present, and future. The Deep Dream is dangerous, as injuries sustained in the Dreamtime are sustained in the waking world. Nightmares from the outer layer of the Dreamtime can manifest as real, and often are what kills travelers here.

It is known that all wolves a special connection with the Dreamtime, and come here to await rebirth when they die. It is because of this that Wolfkin are able to traverse the Dreamtime much more easily than any other mortal race.

The Lycanthropy Question

True lycanthropes receive their gifts either from Hylian gods or are the descendants of biological weapons created by the ancient Shantil. The difference between Hylian and Shantil lycanthropes is that a Hylian lycanthrope cannot pass its gift down to its children, while the Shantil version is genetic, but is a recessive trait. True lycanthropes differ from Wolfkin in that true lycanthropes have an intermediate form between their Human and their bestial form. Wolfkin, on the other hand, only have their Human and wolfish form. True lycanthropes also have no connection to the Dreamtime.

Whether the Wolfkin blood was a special gift from a Hylian god, a special strain created by the Shantil, or something else entirely is completely unknown. The existence of Wolfkin on Arulosion, a landmass whose only connection was with the Grayskins and ancient Humanity, points in favor of the Wolfkin being an ancient phenomenon.  

A Lifelong Balancing Act

"The other half inside of us is sleeping, but never conquered" - Account a Wolfkin, 5977 2E.
Wolfkin have difficulty finding a balance between their Human and wolfish halves. It is a journey all Wolfkin must make alone, and many do not prevail in the conflict. Some go feral, acting more beast than Human even in their Human form. Once reaching this feral state, the Human half of the person has died, and cannot be restored. If one finds their balance, their Human and wolfish halves will work together seamlessly and they can fit well in both Human and wolf society. Balanced Wolfkin can also more easily traverse the Deep Dream, allowing them to see glimpses of the past, present, and future. Being a balanced Wolfkin takes a lifetime of constant struggle, and many Wolfkin have to make the journey to finding balance again several times in their life.

Creating a Wolfkin Hero

  • Discovery: All who are Wolfkin discover their nature around their young adult years. What event made you realize you can talk to wolves?
  • Dual Nature: Do you accept your dual nature, or have you rejected your bestial side to try and keep your humanity?
  • Society: Do you still try to fit in society, or have you accepted that you will likely remain an outcast for who you are?

Wolfkin Cultures

Most Wolfkin take the names of the Human areas they are from. For help, see the Human name list at the bottom of: Human 

Those from Arulosion, however, are a distinct culture from the rest of the Northlanders.

Arulosion Names

Male Names: Airaud, Evasi, Hunor, Lotari, Máté, Richárd
Female Names: Adelàide, Costansa, Ibolya, Hédi, Orsolya, Vitòria
Last Names: Last names are how they're called by fellow wolves. These are usually images they can send mentally when introducing themselves. Examples of this are "Rainfall," "Broken Horn," "Clear Sky," etc.
Making Your Own Name: Arulosion names are based on Hungarian and Piedmontese names.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
160 lbs

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