
"The best creation of civilization is the pleasures of the flesh. Sex sell and there's something for everyone no matter how depraved the taste are. You won't believe how many clients I have had that request an orc female. I know surprising but that's what the client wants so that's what the client gets. Trust me we'll both be rich so long as you do as your told, stay healthy, and stay beautiful."   ~ Mother, Madam of the Velvet Ladies


Payment & Reimbursement

Payment and reimbursement depends on the society they cater to. Most commonly gold is exchanged for the services, but for the higher society prostitutes are given jewels, gold, favors, or other amenities to make their lives easier.

Other Benefits

Prostitutes sometimes gain the benefits of having dirty law enforcement as clients so they have some protection from the law, but it's rare. They also hear a lot of rumors on the streets so are a good source of information.



Even though most law enforcement won't admit it prostitutes provide company to those who need it. Prostitutes are also used as informants on the going-ons in the street and other illicit organizations that they are affiliated with.

Social Status

Most people wouldn't openly admit the fact hat they know any prostitutes personally. In higher societies they're called escorts. Escorts are treated like minor nobility when they first enter higher society, but once they have collected enough clout even seasoned nobles pay the escort respect lest they become the target for a political attack.


Dangers & Hazards

The biggest hazard of prostitution is the human trafficking business. In addition, if the practice of prostitution isn't profitable sexually transmitted diseases can run rampant in the community. Other diseases are also common in the profession anorexia, scabies, and staph infections.
Alternative Names
Escort, Man/Lady of the Night
High Demand, Luxury
Being a prostitute is illegal in most societies, save for a few. Most laws, with regards to prostitution, treat it as a federal offense. The penalties for being found guilty of prostitution is a fine of 1,000 gold and/or a five year maximum prison sentence.


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