Vendoshan Theocratic Interrignum Organization in Reality 69 | World Anvil
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Vendoshan Theocratic Interrignum

The Vendoshan Theocratic Interrignum is an interstellar empire that borders the Demilitarized Zone that Earth happens to be in the middle of. The Interrignum is the second oldest and the largest interstellar empire that has contact with Earth.   According to information that Cultutrix Paan-demeek, current ambassador to Earth, has provided, the Interrignum consists of a unified religious syncretism that has spread across 259 planets in 213 solar systems stretching coreward along the inner curve of the Orion-Cygnus arm. The government of the Interrignum is indistinguishable from the religious orthodoxy and provides a heirarchy of religiously backed clergy to lead everything from individual families to the Interrignum as a whole. Regardless of which of the 141 sapient species or where they are, all fall into the heirarchy of the Interrignum.   This is achieved through the incorporation of local religious systems into the Concordance of Celestial Knowledge, the matrix of beliefs that connects the central tenents of whatever the religions of each species and planet to the central tenents. It is rumored that many species and cultures whose views were not able to be integrated into the matrix of the Concordance have undergone "orthodoxical auditing" to bring them more in line. The scope of this auditing is suspected to include genocidal pogroms as well as more direct evangelical approaches. It is known that the Interrignum has pre-seeded primitive sapients with iconography and mythology to help encourage development of religious paradigms that will be relatively easy to drop on the Concordance and bring to culmination with the fullness of the Interrignum.  


The organizational heirarchy of the Interrignum consists of forty teirs of control, ranging from the head of the family or group to the leader of the Interrignum. Assignment of roles is often handled organically at the smallest scales, but becomes increasingly complex and difficult as one moves to higher teirs. It is possible for one individual to hold multiple roles/titles dependent on the group context they are in. Typically an individual is referred to as their highest teir title, except in intimate and/or personal contexts.   The five highest tiers are:
  1. Catchiphilodox - Leader of the Interrignum
  2. Praisidox - Advisory council and selection committee of the Catchiphilodox
  3. Contraparsinodox - Leader of sectors of systems
  4. Parsinodox - Leader of multiple world solar system
  5. Litidox - Leader of a single planet
  The five lowest (and most common) tiers are:
  • Pepadox - Small group leader
  • Spawnifex - Head of family
  • Nestidox - Leader of a large group
  • Gregariemiphane - Ambassador between groups
  • Managerie - Work coordinator for work

Public Agenda

The stated mission of the Interrignum is to spread the truth of the Concordance of Celestial Knowledge to all sentient life everywhere it appears.

Tenets of Faith

  • Sentience is a rare treasure that must be valued and preserved
  • Sapience is an expression of the divine in the physical world
  • The Concordance of Celestial Knowledge is a guide to communicate with the divine
  • Worship in accordance to the Concordance will reveal the will of the divine
  • Sapients that have misunderstood the way to the Concordance should be shown the way
  • Fear, uncertainty and doubt can be obstacles in rising all Sapients to the stars
  • Given time and work, all Sapients have the potential of loving the Concordance of Celestial Knowledge


In general the tenets of the Concordance of Celestial Knowledge encourage the kind and gentle treatment of all with a deference to those above in the heirarchy. These tenets extend to non-followers, although blantant heresy or "orthodological close-mindedness" can be met with extreme punishments particularly for repeated or egregious offenses.

The Universe needs the Concordance of Celestial Knowledge

Founding Date
roughly 7000 years ago
Alternative Names
VTI, Interrignum
Head of Government
Related Species

Character flag image: by Lido Giovacchini


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