Ravaryn (w.i.p) Ravaryn Timeline Timeline
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Ravaryn Timeline

Before Capital

... 3472 AC

  • -1316 BC

    The Formation of the Aetherian Monarchy.

  • -46 BC

    The Olympion Independence.
    Population Migration / Travel

  • -16 BC

    The Unification of Governments
    Population Migration / Travel

    This is when the Unification Treaty was signed by 87 political individuals and 3 parties of The Aetherian Monarchy, The Unified Administration of Terranial and The Champion of Heilind. The treaty stated that all 3 parties form The Central Government. The organisation that would construct the Ravaryn Capital.

  • 0 BC

    The Opening Of the International Capital
    Era beginning/end

After Capital

3473 AC and beyond

  • 36 AC

    The Construction of Oblivion
    Construction beginning/end

  • 40 AC

    23 Equinus
    40 AC

    25 Equinus

    The Battle for Oblivion

    The Battle for the control of the Skrapr City state of Oblivion. Fought between a Skrapr Revolutionary group known as 'Deviance' and the military of the The Aetherian Empire, the leadership in control of Oblivion at that time. Despite an overwhelming disadvantage, the group 'Deviance' was victorious, and a new leadership took over Oblivion with the leader of the revolutionary group, Gabriel Steel being declared Lord of the City.

  • 47 AC

    28 Dawnist
    47 AC

    6 Veil

    The Atheri Genocide
    Disaster / Destruction

    The decimation of the Twi population living in the city of Atheri, ordered by the King of The Aetherian Empire, who ruled over the city. The annihilation lasted 8 days and over 80% of the population were needless killed. The culling caused the destruction of Atheri. This event was supposed to be covered up. However, many participants of the slaughter exposed the truth out of guilt. This led to retaliation from a newly formed Oblivion Military, to help the victims of the event. This led to the beginning of the Great Abyssia War.

  • 48 AC

    9 Veil
    54 AC

    14 Flore

    The Great Abyssia War
    Military action

    The Great Abyssian War was a brutal war that led to the destruction of the Abyss Realm and had casualties in the tens of thousands, raged between the races of the Abyss. Fought over Equality and the ending of a long dictatorship.   A war fought between the very races of the realm. A civil war fought between The Allied Forces of primarily Skrapr and Twi races fighting against the military of an empire that once ruled over them, The Aetherian Empire. Later, the Olympion race would with The Allied Forces group, overwhelming the opposing forces of the Empire.    It was this, and the uprising of many Aetherians who sympathised with the Allied Forces' cause, that lead to the destruction of an Empire that had ruled for centuries before. With this the final member of the Royal Aethar Family, King Scalious Aethar II was killed, ending the bloodline. The Allied forces were victorious, however the Abyssia Realm they had been fighting for, was left in ruin.

    Abyssia Realm
    More reading
    The Great Abyssian War
  • 52 AC

    21 Equinus 18:00

    The Destruction of Oblivion
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Destruction of the city of Oblivion within the Great Abyssia War. Destroyed by the super weapon titled Code: Vortex. The weapon wiped the city off the map, killing thousands of Skrapr and Twi civilians and soldiers. This including, at this time, the leader of the Allied forces, Gabriel Steel. The weapon had a survival rate of 2.37% and most survivors suffering physical disabilities or with severe mental issues for life. After the horrific event and the end of the war. The construction plans to the Code: Vortex were burned, and it was vowed to never be used by anyone ever again.

    More reading
    The Great Abyssian War
  • 54 AC

    The Fall of Abyssia
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Destruction of the Abyssia Realm and the beginning of a mass migration. A period of time when all Abyssian races par from Olympion fled to the Terranial or Heliend realms.