Aetherian Species in Ravaryn (W.I.P) | World Anvil
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Aetherians are naturally very thin, partially due to the lower gravity conditions of Abyssia. Aetherians have thin bodies but have strong skin and skeleton structure, giving them small natural and fire resistance. Aetherians have a naturally great Mana control, often said to be the most gifted race in terms of natural magical talent. This is due to many factors, such as their streamline skin; described as 'skin of silk'.  


Aetherians used to be native to the Abyss Realm. However since then, Abyssia has fallen, and their homes destroyed in The Great Abyssian War. Since then their Realm of Abyssia has become a graveyard. Most Surviving Aetherians have migrated to the Realm of Terranial or Heliend.  


Aetherians have the one of the lowest populations of all races, as most were killed in war. Their population is estimated to be around 4,000.  


Since the destruction of their Realm. Aetherians try to become citizens of Nations and Towns in the Terranial or Heliend Realms. An example is the Nation of Tryfonia, that has set up a Citizens Checkpoint to help Aetherians adjust to their new lives. However not all Aetherians have done this, some work in the Skrapr nation of Undulion, although not many due to the uneasy relations between the Skrapr and Aetherian. Other Aetherians live as fugitives, such as the underground organisation of them in the city of Kirial.  


Aetherians used to be a proud race, until they lost the War for Abyssia and the The Aetherian Empire was destroyed. Now they are seen as either victims or criminals of War.

Natural Mana Ability

The Natural Mana Ability of the Aetherian is called Transfer. This ability allows Aetherians to use transportation magic with ease compared to that of other races, due to their Mana Organ being specialised in True Mana Manipulation. This ability makes Aetherians some of the best mages their are in Ravaryn.
Scientific Name
Abyssian (Aetheria, Ager Caeli)
96 years (Average)
Average Height
1.7 - 1.9
Geographic Distribution

Notable Aetherians

Scalious Aethar II - The 71st ruler of The Aetherian Empire/Abyssia
Sheari - Former Leader of the Aetherian Royal Military. Leader of the Aetherian Reconstruction program.

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