Dhanush and Tir Item in Rajah’s Curse Universe | World Anvil
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Dhanush and Tir

Bow and Arrow

About: Bow and arrow is a weapon which is being used since time immemorial. Gods and Goddesses used to use it and the kings also used to use it during wars. This combination of potential and kinetic powers symbolizes energy.   Given by: Vayu gave her a bow and arrows
Significance: The arrow held by Goddess Durga represents that people should be steadfast and focused on their aim. They should be very clear about what they aspire and work accordingly. The bow suggests that a person should by himself have the potential to attain his goals independently.   This is the celestial weapon of the Dhanushaurtir Jati.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder
Subtype / Model

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