Bharji (Spear/Javelin) Item in Rajah’s Curse Universe | World Anvil
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Bharji (Spear/Javelin)

About: While a spear symbolizes auspiciousness, this gift of Agni also represents pure, fiery power. It also represents that we should possess the quality of knowing what is wrong and what is right and act accordingly.   Given by: Spear gifted by Agni God.
Significance: It signifies the hidden power of humans to overcome all obstacles in life. So, the shield is a weapon used to protect oneself from attacks. We should always keep away the wrongdoings and also should never tolerate something against one’s chastity.   It is the celestial weapon of the Bharji Jati.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder
Subtype / Model

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