The Path of the Monolith Organization in Raelvo | World Anvil
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The Path of the Monolith

" It is important to remind oneself that the heart of the heretic is the same as the heart of a true believer in all ways except for one. That one thing is love; love for the obelisk, love for the holy scripture, and love for the sake of love. So do not pity the heretic, but instead hold them in contempt for a heart devoid of love is filled instead with wickedness and spite. "   - Excerpt from the first chapter of The Holy Scripture of Earth and Stone
      The Theocracy of Hind is distinguished by its core religious system, known as The Path of the Monolith, which centers around the veneration of a enigmatic and ancient Obelisk. This faith is deeply ingrained within the cultural, political, and societal fabric of the civilization, impacting laws, daily rituals, and international affairs. Standing at a towering 30 meters and crafted from an unusual stone resembling metal, The Divine Obelisk serves not only as a sacred icon but also as a supplier of anti-magic energy, integral to the teachings of The Path.   The Path of the Monolith is built upon a set of doctrines encapsulated in The Holy Scriptures of Earth and Stone, a text that purports to convey the divine will as inscribed on the Obelisk. These scriptures cover extensive aspects of life, dictating everything from moral behavior to dietary restrictions, aiming to align the believers' lives with the perceived divine order. Worship is a vital component of the faith, with the most significant practices occurring every Haeday, the mid-week day on which the Obelisk was discovered. On this day, followers participate in rituals that emphasize humility and a deepened connection to the divine, such as the application of dirt and dust to one’s body during temple services.   The Obelisk's anti-magic field, which extends for five kilometers from its base, reinforces the religion’s anti-magic ideology, framing magic as a corrupting and unnatural influence. This stance is not only religious but also manifests in the legal and social systems of Hind, where magic is banned, and its practitioners are persecuted. The clergy, who claim the exclusive ability to interpret the Obelisk's glyphs, wield significant power, effectively controlling the state.   The hierarchy within The Path of the Monolith is elaborate, ranging from the Arch Cardinal, who oversees all church and state affairs, down to the lay brothers and sisters who carry out the church’s practical functions. Higher clergy, such as Cardinals and Bishops, are not only spiritual leaders but also major political players, often acting as administrators of large regions or cities. The unique practice of Divine Patterning, where high-ranking clergy tattoo themselves with material from the Obelisk to gain anti-magic powers, further sets them apart as both spiritual and temporal protectors of the populace.   Inquisitors hold a particularly formidable role, tasked with enforcing the faith’s doctrines and rooting out heresy, especially related to forbidden magical practices. This group’s actions often lead to significant humanitarian concerns, as their methods can be harsh and their judgments absolute.   Education within Hind is heavily influenced by the church, with the clergy overseeing the teaching of the scriptures from a young age. This ensures that each generation grows up with a firm belief in the Path’s tenets, viewing the world through the lens provided by their faith. Cultural expressions, whether in art, literature, or music, are also deeply intertwined with religious themes, often depicting the Obelisk’s divine nature or illustrating stories from the scriptures.   Pilgrimage to The Divine City of Horgr where the Obelisk is located, is considered essential for every follower, believed to bring spiritual renewal and closer alignment with the divine. The city itself has grown into a moderate metropolis centered around the Obelisk, with its economy and infrastructure significantly bolstered by the influx of pilgrims.   The Path of the Monolith exemplifies a religion that has transcended spiritual boundaries to mold every aspect of societal life for the communities where it is dominant. Its integration into the state apparatus makes it a powerful, if not oppressive, force within primarily Hind and others. The religion’s future, much like the hidden parts of the Obelisk still buried under Horgr, holds potential for both enlightenment and conflict, depending on how its followers interpret and react to the evolving world around them.   This academic overview provides a comprehensive understanding of how "The Path of the Monolith" functions within the Theocracy of Hind, highlighting its profound influence on all aspects of life from the individual to the state level.
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