The Haf Qabul Assemblage Organization in Qir | World Anvil
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The Haf Qabul Assemblage

Named after the street where the assemblage's villa is located, the Haf Qabul is the de facto legislative body of the Islish Empire, consisting of a representative from each of the seventeen noble bloodlines of Islis.


The main body of the Haf Qabul consists of one representative from each of the seventeen highborn bloodlines in Islis. Although these legislators are usually elected, the process by which they are elected to the Haf Qabul is left to the internal workings of the individual familial bloodline. In addition to these seventeen, there are also three additional members of the assemblage that represent the order within the Haf Qabul halls, quelling feuds and acting as arbiters in the event that votes result in a tie. These additional members also lightly represent the noble houses under one of the three towers in the Islish Noble District. Finally, the assemblage's statute calls for one final member from Muqad meant to represent the enclave's interests in legislative matters.   Altogether, there are twenty one representatives that make up the Haf Qabul, though meetings and discourse often see closer to a hundred attendants, as other interested parties of the aristocratic public are allowed viewing rights within the assemblage.
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
The Islish Highborn Assembly, The Majadim
Related Ethnicities


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