Fire Dragon Species in Pronathea | World Anvil

Fire Dragon

"You know I saw the damnedest thing the other day..."
"Shut up, Matthew, no one wants to hear your stupid fake story about how you saw a dragon!"
— Matthew and his friends who don't want to hear his story

The Embers Within

  Born from the heat of creation, the embers of life, and the spark of the universe, fire dragons are not bred, they spring forth from the flames. The edge of their scales burning with the fire inside them, their teeth waiting to snap down on their next meal.   Flames grow within them, manifesting their own fuel, burning hotter and hotter as their lives grow longer. They need no food to live, no meat, nor water, they seek anything of warmth to sustain their molten core. Born a blazing ember, they die a brilliant inferno. They make their homes in their element, often times deep within the scorching pits of volcanoes spread across the Eight Lands, surging forth when they need heat to feed on as they dare not harm their resting place.  

Perdition's Blaze

  Rare as they are, the image of fire dragons are what many people conjure in their thoughts at the mere mention of dragons. With their wings glowing with the heat of their serpentine bodies, their charcoal scales stark against the blue of the sky, they are a most terrifying sight. Those who get close have their last sight seared into their eyes as the moment stretches into hours as they stare into the hellfire of their eyes, feeling nothing but dread and the blistering heat emanating in waves off the immense living furnace perched in front of them.   Their element is all they know, and though their heartfire may be extinguished, their essence surges forth and brings a new smoldering ember into existence.
Average Height
20 feet
Average Weight
Average Length
45 feet


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Sep 27, 2022 05:46

Such a pretty description for a fire dragon! <3 Of course, I need at least three of them ^^   Keep up the good work! :D

What do you want to discover in Computer Adventures?
Sep 27, 2022 06:26 by Andrew

I'd expect nothing less from you