Bahlgurat Species in Pronathea | World Anvil


"Did you see them?! I swear to Tlintilak, it was a bahlgurat!"
— Unknown

The Fleeting Forestfolk

  They stand on two strong legs, covered in sleek, shimmering fur coats that range in color from a deep, midnight blue to a vibrant, golden yellow, as their long, pointed ears twitch constantly as they listen for the faint hum of magical energy that surrounds them. Their long limbs and lithe figure allow them to traverse the forests they call home with ease, swinging themselves to and from even the highest of branches.   Bahlgurat are able to absorb magic through their skin, using it as sustenance to fuel their bodies and minds. They are highly intelligent creatures, with complex brains that allow them to process and manipulate magical energy in ways that are still largely unknown to outsiders, even going as far as being able to infuse the ground around them to allow plants and creatures to grow faster and stronger.   They have a sophisticated system of guttural sounds and clicks that they use to convey a wide range of emotions and concepts, and their powerful tongues allow them to communicate over great distances if necessary. While their language is complex, their physical forms rarely move during conversation, often taking a comfortable or readied stance.  

Peace with Plants

  Despite their formidable powers, bahlgurat are a peaceful species, preferring to live in harmony with the natural world. They are deeply connected to the magic that flows through the land, and are said to be guardians of the natural balance. They are rarely seen by outsiders, preferring to keep to their own hidden communities deep in the forests.   Those who are lucky enough to encounter a bahlgurat are said to be blessed with good fortune, as it is believed that the magic-feeders bring prosperity and luck to those around them. Many myths and legends surround bahlgurat, with some claiming that they have the power to grant wishes or cure ailments. Whether these stories are true or not remains a mystery, but one thing is certain: bahlgurats are a fascinating and enigmatic species that continue to captivate the imaginations of those who encounter them.
by Theiket (via MidJourney & Photoshop)
Average Height
Approx. 6 to 7 feet
Average Weight
Approx. 250 to 300lbs


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Jan 26, 2023 19:03

Love the Drawing