Serath Organization in Project Cylyn | World Anvil
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The Seratum was the main religion in Velodan empire and was officially sealed in the Otra Charter in 1300. In Seratum people believed in the godmother, the protector of nature and the child in the shade.
The most widespread is the belief in the godmother, Alena, as she, as the goddess of life, occupies the highest position in the divine spheres. However, as far as one ventures out of the cities into the country, one finds oneself the more often one will find the belief in Custos, the protector of nature. Above all, farmers worship him, because he also had control over the weather and the harvest.
The Child in the Shadow, Elowen (or Al'Anwa - Alena's Son) was mostly worshiped by thieves, murderers, and others because he is considered the god of shadows, intrigue, and secrecy. He was often portrayed as a child with dark brown hair. (Note: This is his most viewed form, others saw him as a girl or as a shadow)
The prayer houses are, in the cities, the cathedrals (see the Cathedral of Elomoor) and in the villages small chapels. The prayer script is the Larata, a twenty-point long list that is considered axioms. Every child must memorize these at school. Looking at the rituals and rites of the Seratum, one notices the extreme sacrifice of their Godmother - they would die for them too - and the almost spooky élan with which the clergy want to spread their teachings. And also like to burn one or the other witch, to start wars or rush against other minor religions.
The highest, human, spirituality is the Shival, mother life representative on earth. He preaches exclusively in the capital, makes occasional pilgrimages through the Velodrenian provinces, manages the shops of the seranen church, anoints the newly crowned emperor and baptizes his children. This job is a lifetime burden. If the Shival dies, the Brel (Council of the Four Cardinals and Eight Bishops) elects his successor.
Just like the empire, the Seratum is very conservative and insists on its traditions.

Tenets of Faith

The basic rules were written down in the larata, a twenty point long list. Even if the children were forced to learn them by heart the highest religious member did not stick to it.
Basicly you were not allowed to kill or hurt other people. You should gave your life fully to the religion.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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