Thermium Material in Privan | World Anvil
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Thermium is a recently discovered Ore found in the frozen hellhole of Druijora by the Iron Dwarves not much is known about this ore other than its chemical makeup can be changed depending on the forging technique used there are 2 different elements and 1 alloy that the Iron Dwarves have so far discovered this goes as follows: Endothermium, Pyrothermium and Exothermium: this will all be discussed in more detail down below.


Endothermium is created through the use of Intense cold hot fires and Runes the result of this "purification" as the Iron Dwarves call it takes around 2-3 minutes but requires immense power to be supplied while the purification takes place, the result of this is metal as hard as steel if not harder it emits a cold frozen cloud and absorbs all heat in the surrounding area but the temperature of the element itself stays warm but not dangerously hot.

The uses of Endothermium:

The Iron Dwarves due to their militaristic past, have mostly developed military hardware with this Element, most notably the Thermic Guards armour, the Thermic Guard are the stalwart bulwark against any foes who wish to invade their land, they use this Endothermium as a defensive tool, creating a hazardous environment for their enemies to cross, freezing the very ground to become slippy, ideal targets for the Exothermic rangers, (We will get to them later) Endothermium also has the ability to freeze Objects and living beings with enough contact, this is why the Thermic Armour looks bulky, mostly because it's thick with armour plates but also has protective wool under-armour to protect the user.

Some Iron Dwarven scientists tried to use Endothermium as power generation material in order to use this frozen cloud to push turbines, however, due to the high demand for this Element, they were only able to accumulate a small amount which was not enough to produce enough force to push a turbine. Driven by the ever-expanding need for power these scientists managed to discover another element using a combination of Endothermium and Exothermium and very powerful runes this is what is now known as Pyrothermium, scientists are still perplexed about this element but found that it could heat water to create steam to push a turbine and keep itself cool, despite the immense heat it emits.


As stated above, Pyrothermium is a combination between both Endothermium and Exothermium, it brings both elements together to create a near-endless source of power with very little work to be put in, however, there are still consequences if not contained properly, due to both elements enhancing each other, all the properties that make them dangerous are also enhanced, for example, the cloud of frost emitted by the Endothermium and the intense heat rays emitted by the Exothermium become combined into what the Iron Dwarves have named, Pyrofluxic Plasma this is hot enough to melt through most stone, but not enough to melt through thick steel and pure Therium.

When proper containment measures are taken, Pyrothermium will react and cause the alloy to heat up intensely, this is what the Iron Dwarves dubbed, a Pyrofluxic reaction, special protective runes are put around the alloys catalyst chamber, so that these Pyrofluxic plasma spurts are kept at bay before any harm can be dealt, outside the chamber is a command room where a R.E.I.N is observed, so that it keeps the runes in working order and to ensure no damage to the surrounding area. This is kept incredibly secretive due to the disliked nature of the Iron Dwarves and the unknown R.E.I.N's of the ancient Dwarven Empire if this was to be reported back to the rest of Privan, they would have to deal with the consequences.

The prototype of Thermium:

Whilst the scientists tested different uses for Thermium for power generation, they accidentally discovered something very dangerous, something that could be used for evil if it falls into the wrong hands, they dubbed it "Proto-thermium" The discovery was an accident, and lead by the same team of scientists who tried to use Endothermium to generate power, headed by Elvia Beron the lead scientist, they tried infusing Endothermium and Exothermium with more cold hot fires the result was shocking, to say the least, the entire research team and their laboratory was found frozen by some Thermic Guard and the research team was determined to have expired near instantaneously. The Proto-thermium was found still fully intact and being held up with ice trails leading outwards, all data referring to this project was damaged beyond repair due to the explosion of ice and all books were rendered unreadable due to the ice melting.


Exothermium is an element created between Thermium and a massive quantity of searing heat, the thermium is lowered into a vat of molten lava from the lower volcanic chamber of the mountains the forges are built upon, similar to Endothermium, Exothermium has hazardous properties that are harmful to anyone and anything, due to the intense heat of its core, occasionally when the heat content of the element becomes too high, it shoots our molten beams of material melting the very walls of the containment area or anyone in the way, the Iron Dwarves have figured out a way to stop these beams from being shot by placing small runes of shielding on the metal itself.

The uses of Exothermium:

The Iron Dwarves are mostly propelled by their militaristic path, so any newly discovered ore or element is firstly used for military uses, the Exothermic Rangers utilise this metal in their armour, due to the way of forging the metal is weaker than the Endothermium but still is hard, slightly harder than steel but much lighter, this gives the Rangers the much-needed agility boost that the Thermic Guard lack, with their armour, they have the ability to turn off certain runes of shield on the Exothermium to allow a jet of molten fire to shoot from that one area allowing them to propel themselves forward or backwards depending on their situation.

Some of the more Mad scientists of the Iron Dwarves tried to use Exothermium to create something more powerful than the Stone Dwarven TH-MA MKIII (Thermal Expulsion for Material Accumulation Mark 3) equipped on their custodians, this all but failed due to the unwieldy nature of the Exothermium, they tried adding runes of Shielding around the metal but without careful control and maintenance the runes failed this caused the researcher to be fried into a puddle on the floor, it is said that that a research team simply named the Luminaries, are working towards upgrading the Iron Dwarven borehole drills with a prototype of this Exothermium ray that is more stable and safer.


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Aug 19, 2023 22:35 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

The idea of a metal jet pack was really unique!

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