Prisonworld latebra Day of unsullied Blades
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Day of unsullied Blades



During the reign of the "then" current elevated families, they further sank into corruption and exploitations, nearing full-on exploitive tyranny. During these times there was much unrest within the population and the Everguard had been putting down unrest for weeks at this point. On this specific day the biggest revolt to date happened with almost the entire kesharic population participating. The Everguard, confronted with the will of the people, full in the know of their suffering decided to betray their duty and all their weapons were sheathed and laid aside and the common people were left to pass without resistance. Without the Everguard the elevated had nothing to protect them from the enraged masses and they were overwhelmed by the masses and ultimately punished, by the common people, for their crimes. The Everguard, rather than being disgraced, became a symbol of integrity and duty.

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