Bio-Freaks and Chimeras in Post-Human | World Anvil

Bio-Freaks and Chimeras

subspeciesism: Cyborgs against Adepts

Technological integration predated biogenetic manipulation, but it had its problems. Sometimes the implants would be rejected by their hosts. Malfunctions plagued some models. And a percentage of people, suspicious of technology, turned instead to biological modification.   Cyber-Symbiosis companies produced several commercial campaigns depicting Adepts as “bio-freaks” and “chimeras” with ugly mutations and bizarre animal appendages. Those that bought into this new kind of sub-speciesism continued to harbor resentment, mistrust, and suspicion of the self-proclaimed “New Men”. As human beings began to realize that they were reclassifying themselves as whole different subspecies, the first contentions between unaltered humans, cyborgs, and adepts lead the way in the emerging sub-speciesism.


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Dec 17, 2021 21:08 by Verity Tatum

Fascinating article! I like how it sets up sociological implications for these types of societies. Great job!

Dec 17, 2021 21:49 by Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

Thank you! This is my most evocative world, so that means a lot. Thanks for the like. :)
