Polarian Rebels Organization in Polarium | World Anvil
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Polarian Rebels

Though not much is known about the "Rebels" of Polarium, they claim to be native to the underdeveloped country, with a technological level much further behind than most other nations. When Pharacorp declared their sudden ownership of the nation, it is said that some of the Polarian rebels preemptively launched an attack on the Pharacorp HQ, prompting them to hire security, as the attack ended in disaster as well as a declaration of war. Since then, the rebels have been successively hiding out, expanding local territorial occupations, launching small but effective skirmishes, and constructing new military bases to rapidly catch up to Pharacorp in terms of combative might. It is also rumored that the push these rebels have which Terracom claims to utilize the power of Leray magic, as is enabled by the specific segregated veil of Polarium, while Terracom battles with only military might. If the claims are true, that Terracom does not use Leray magic while their opposing faction does, it would declare the rebels as the aggressors, in the eyes of the Leray Mitigation Agency.


There are said to be civilian settlements made up of small but numerous villages all over the nation, gradually providing resources to the warriors and mages of the rebels who fight Terracom on the battlefields. However, the elder chief of the capital village makes all final decisions.

Public Agenda

Pharacorp is an evil organization, and their rulership of Polarium is both illegal and unwanted.


Confirmed intelligence shows similar military assets to what would be seen in semi-advanced armies, with standard machine guns, assault rifles, military ground and air vehicles that include transport jeeps and several helicopters, for which the fueling source is typically stolen from Terracom outposts. The technological level however does not come close to matching the might of Terracom.


Though exact settlement locations are not yet known to Pharacorp, it appears that the Polarian Rebels occupy most of the southern half of Polarium, though they continue to attempt expansion westward into unoccupied zones before expanding northward.
Geopolitical, Tribe
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