Satyrs Species in Phenuxia | World Anvil


Origin: Satyrs are a passionate, furry people descended from the Love Emotionals. They are a nearly extinct culture and reside mainly in the northern forests of The Wilds. They have excellent command and unity with elements and nature, building villages out of strange formations of trees. Satyrs are a very traditional people, always reminding their youth about the glorious life of their ancestors in "The Haven Beyond". They tend to avoid conflict, and do not actively interact with other peoples, leaving many to even doubt their existence.

During the Human Invasions:
Thanks to some otherworldly magic of the elders of the love emotionals, there is a continual song that weaves throughout the city of the satyrs. It is a beautiful, calming melody, but it deceives all who are not Satyrs into believing they are walking into an impassable cliff in the forest. They remained impressively safe from human perception, even with how close they lived to the kingdom of Astorel. this did not mean they were free of plight however as they were under attack by their own apparitions created from the worry and fear instigated by the invasions. Many gave into thoughts of despair and darkness from the terror that the humans might turn their attention on them and wipe them from existence like they had the Ravnetir. These nightmares, Ghuls, made manifest attacked and killed innocents, creating havoc throughout the forests. Those that succumbed to starvation in their despair, twisted, becoming nightmares themselves, a Wendigo. Many of similar afflictions terrorized the people for years, before the elders and scholars deciphered a plan to save them.

Post Human Invasions:
A new way of life became enforced both through tradition and education to force everyone in their community to live pleasant and fulfilling lives, in order to prevent apparitions from being conjured. This turned into a very methodic, strongly organized society that focuses on learning how to become better members of nature.

Current Status:
With a very strict nobility structure, satyrs are beginning to feel safer in the modern world, especially with the conflicts coming to an end. Younger generations are becoming curious, and eager to meet the outside world, but the older generations look poorly on leaving the convent. Status, and position as a contributing member of society are what's important for satyrs now.   Primal: Wendigos
The Wilds 


Traditions: The symbol of the Satyrs is a cornucopia, representing bountiful harvest, keeping the community's bellies full and families happy. This originates from a practice used to prevent citizens from becoming Wendigos during the Human Invasions. Music is also highly valued and encouraged as it is responsible for their continual safety throughout all the conflict, that could have been made worse by an outside threat.
Due to their connection with nature, Satyrs are extremely friendly with Owlbears, and the spirits of The Wilds.


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