Elzari Species in Phenuxia | World Anvil


Commonly referred to as "Elves", these descendants of the Emotionals that ventured into Reality the Elzari are ancient mortals that live extremely long and passionate lives. Due to their longevity, they are known for their mastery of many things and typically are respected by many of the species of Erith. They are a highly adaptive species, since their bodies are naturally weak, they quickly change to conform to the ecosystem they survive in.   There are two major denominations of Elzari; those that descend from Joy Emotionals, Arcane Elzari, and those that descend from Fear Emotionals, Noble Elzari.   Elzari mature faster than any other race and can live for many centuries. When an Elzari woman is pregnant, they share their consciousness with their unborn child, who learns everything they have learned and experiences everything they experience while pregnant. Due to this, Elzari children are very mature at a very young age, although their bodies are still slender and fragile. Elzari vary greatly in height, anywhere from being only a little over 4 ft at 100 yrs. old, to being just over 7 ft before their first century has passed.   The Light Elzari that make their home in the highly secure kingdom of Tel'malos, in the dying forests of the Downwoods where the modern wonder The Arborlight Crusaders, are the most prolific of the Elzari on Incontinence, and were subject to the worst of the human invasions while their fearful cousins in the north were in hiding.   Primal: Imps


Ancestry of the Elzari
The Arborlight
Solar Deity Abufru

Articles under Elzari

  • 420

    Creation of the Emotionals
    Artistic creation

    The God of Passion, Okor ascends to The Pantheon and creates his own realm. Within it he creates his own people to rule over, that embody his many varying passions, and calls them Emotionals. There were tribes of Love and Hate, Anger and Joy, Fear and Sadness.

  • 700

    The Catastrophe
    Life, Relocation

    The Anger and Hatred Emotionals get out of control, having adopted a warring lifestyle, they turned their violence towards the docile people of the other clans. Luckily the elders of these clans were very skilled with magic, and created portals for their people to escape to, where they led no one could know. Some of the portals warped their bodies, creating Satyrs, Faery, and the Elzari.

  • 830

    Founding of Tel'Ona
    Population Migration / Travel

    A society of Surd Elzari finishes construction of an incredible city around a giant mystical lake defended by mountains in the northwest.

  • 960

    Appearance of the Light Elzari
    Population Migration / Travel

    A group of light obssessed elzari is discovered settled in the south of Incontinence, where they have created a village called Tel'Malos named after the tribe elder that opened the portal they fled through. This spurs the discovery of a family of elzari called the Arcane Elzari, and the possibility that there were other magically oriented Elzari.

  • 1000

    War of Igneel's Army
    Military action

    A fierce red dragon leads an army of Arcane Elzari who call themselves Blaze Elzari in an attempt to conquer Incontinence for himself.


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