Phasma and Spirit

-Priest of the Interfaith Church of Spirits   There is no clearer proof that a Creator exists than the tangible existence of spirits. Scientists will try to add fancy words to spirits to try to explain it away. Calling spirits “phasma” or saying that the magic that resides in the spirits should be called “brane particles.” And I will admit that using the terms Phasma and Brane make it easy to classify the many types of spirits and their abilities under one umbrella. So it makes sense that humans have adopted the catch-all terms, but the fact remains that a Creator definitely exists. And the Creator allowed for manifestations of spirits reflected in each individual religion to be reflected in the world around us. These manifestations have powers that mere humans cannot hope to comprehend. Calling those powers “brane particles” is a gross misnomer, but it is a way for our puny human minds to understand the infinite. This gift of Brane from our Creator allows us to move that much closer to Being.   Different religions have different explanations for the Phasma.   The most close-minded lot only believe that their own religion’s Phasma are true. The rest should be considered evil Phasma, created solely to tempt mankind against so called "True Religion".   Others realize that the Creator has made different Phasma to reflect the infinite manifestations of their Being. And that different religious orders are able to comprehend certain manifestations of the Creator better than others.   Of course, I am one to believe that all creation is a manifestation of the Creator. And the Phasma are just beings that are of a slightly higher order than humans. As we pass from this life, it is possible that we will be remade into humans, once again. Others will have gained the ability to rise into the order of the lower Phasma. Eventually, as our souls expand, all humans will move up the planes, eventually reuniting with the Creator.   Whatever your personal beliefs are about the Phasma and their magical energy “Brane”, it is undeniable that they are proof of a Creator.   Nothing in this world is an accident.
Text, Religious


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