The Privateers of Light Organization in Phantobra | World Anvil
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The Privateers of Light

The city guards of Seaquest are called The Privateers of Light. Originally they called themselves The Red Cutlass, and were more vigilantes than law-enforcement, but after The Light took over, they had to adapt, to adhere to Erekian law.


The Red Cutlass

Seaquest was founded, it quickly became apparent that some kind of law enforcement was necessary, especially with all the travelers coming and going from the city. Shelton Gale, a renowned captain of the ship The Red Cutlass, decided to take the law into his own hand and formed a city guard, of the same name as his ship.
Moored in Seaquest's harbor, Shelton Gale ran The Red Cutlass from his ship. The cargo hold was used as the brig, for anyone deemed a troublemaker by The Red Cutlass.
To keep his operation financed, he collected taxes from the ships coming and going, and from fining troublemakers.
Although there was resistance to his self-imposed law, being a renowned captain had its benefits, and in less than a year, everyone acknowledged The Red Cutlass as the law of Seaquest. Over the years as Seaquest grew, so did The Red Cutlass. Eventually, the need for bigger accommodations had them move into the city, where both a headquarters and prison was constructed.
With the city increasing in size the responsibility of The Red Cutlass did as well. Eventually, the Red Cutlass was a full garrison, maintaining both law and order, and protecting the city and its territory.

The Privateers of Light

When The Knights of Rahn were fighting against the greenskins in Erekiath, they eventually came upon Seaquest.
The Red Cutlass saw them as an invading force and prepared to defend the city. Seaquest had a lot of defensive capabilities, but mostly towards the bay, leaving them vulnerable to an attack from land.
Rather than ordering his men to be slaughtered, or to capitulate, Trent Gale, son of Shelton Gale, decided to parlay with them. To his surprise, they were more than willing to talk, and after only three days of negotiation, it was decided that Seaquest became part of Erekiath and in return The Red Cutlass would be allowed to govern the city as long as it abided to Erekian law. Furthermore, they agreed to a period of two years, were Erekian law would gradually be implemented, to make the changes as fluent as possible.
Towards the end of the two year period, The Red Cutlass changed name to The Privateers of Light, partially to distance themselves from their vigilante roots, but also by pressure from The Light. Since Seaquest did not have a The Council of Elders or The City Council they wanted to make it clear that the city was governed by The Light, thus The Red Cutlass and The Light compromised on the name The Privateers of Light, which represented both cultures.


The Privateers of Light are quite a unique organisation from an Erekian point of view. Most larger cities are governed by The Council of Elders and The City Council, but in Seaquest The Privateers of Light governs all matters related to law, as well as military matters, both land and naval, in Seaquest and its territory. Outsiders usually find it unnerving that The Privateers of Light serves as judge, jury, and executioner, but for the most part, the locals trust the privateers.
The discipline of the privateers is quite relaxed, and it's not uncommon to see patrols walk casually along the streets, deep in conversation with each other or the citizens. Their ties to the local community are strong, as they recruit directly from the population, rather than the Knights of Rahn.
At all hours of the day, it is possible for everyone to go to The Beacon of The Triad Bay, the headquarters of the privateers and report a crime or seek help for emergencies. Based on experience, they've had to apply strict rules as to what constitutes an emergency. The privateers decide if something is an emergency or not. Any abuse of this privilege will result in punishment, usually fines, but in more severe or repeat cases, jail or physical punishment. It should be noted that physical punishment is not condoned by The Light. The attire of the privateers is also quite relaxed. Although they are required to wear a uniform to make them easily distinguishable, they do not wear any armor. Their weapons aren't strictly regulated either, and it's not uncommon to see different types of weapons on the privateers, although most prefer to wield light bladed weapons, like short swords, daggers, or cutlasses.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
The Red Cutlass, The Teers
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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