Pirate Profession in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil


The pirate is not a profession, it is a lifestyle. People like us, refuses the safety and comforts provided by society to embrace the only thing worth of consideration: Freedom!
— Adam 'Scurvy face' Talbot

Since the people from Phaldorya has set his eyes on the sea and has desidered to sail through it, there have been pirates. The typical description of the members of this profession is of a ruthless sailor that assaults other people's boats to steal their cargo at cutlass point. This expression would be fitting but extremelly reductive.

When a man decides to become a pirate, abandons everything he knows or care for, to undertake a life of adventure on the Saynué. If caught he faces capital punishment or, in the best of case, life imprisonment. If successful, he can choose what to do during his time off-board.


Job requisites

To join a pirate crew, more than anything it requires an opportunity. Crews don't advertise their recruitments, therefore to become a pirate you have to be in the right place at the right moment. The are a few skills that will be useful to start from a good position in the crew, such a fencing, brawling, sneaking, rope skills and, most of all, swimming; however to start as a deckhand you need none of the above, unfortunately in this case salary and conditions of work aren't the best. The longer you stay in the crew and the more proficient you become at overtaking the dangers of the profession the higher will become your rank, since the turnover in the profession is fairly rapid.


Salary and benefits

In most of the crews your salary will be highly dependant on the amount of loot produced, no loot no salary, but generally speaking you will still receive at least grub and bunkbed. If the crew is successful the money earned from the sale on blackmarket of the loot is divided, in a sort of equal way according to the rank, very often divisions are turbulent and a lot of begrudges are generate by this process. All the extra money earned is likely to be spent in grog, dice games and hookers in the harbours of The fallen stars archipelago

Alternative Names
Corsair, Bucaneer, Thug
Related Locations

Cover image: by Thommas68


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