Kawa powder Material in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil

Kawa powder

Kawa powder is an extract obtained by the toasting and grinding of the mature beans obtained from the Kawa plant, a plant typical of the region of Vinhlua.


Material Characteristics

Depending on the type of grinder used to process it can be smooth and silky as flour or granular as sand. Its aspect will reflect the brewing properties.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Rich is stimulant substances, Kawa powder is reknown to be a strong tonic. The brew obtained from it can has bronchodilator and cardiostimulant properties, increases alertness and it is neurostimulant.

Geology & Geography

The Kawa plant is typical of the region of Vinhlua, in the south-east of the continent. The plant naturally grows in peat-based soil with good drainage, in areas shaded by larger trees. New technologies of cultivation consent, with a lot of hard work, to grow row plantations in sunny areas increasing the rate of maturation of the clusters of berries.

Life & Expiration

The beans and the powder is susceptible to humidity, but if stored in dry and temperate temperature can be stored without altering its properties for about six months, after this time the taste and flavour becomes gradually milder, influencing the commercial value.

History & Usage


Local populations have known Kawa and brewed a beverage from it for a very long time. In ancient times, it was bartered with productions from neighbouring regions, otherwise unavailable. The contact with Saythian merchants has established a commercial route to the west, but the low productivity of the plant in its natural state has prevented its massive spread. Although through the commerce, the local farmers could earn enough to continue leading their modest lives. The political turmoil caused, first, by orc invasions and, later, by the settling of western companies in the areas has altered deeply the production of Kawa. In front of harder work to increase turnover farmers have seen worsening of their quality of life, that is presently not very different from slavery.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Kawa drinks have been a founding part of most of the traditional celebration in the region.

Manufacturing & Products

The increasing demand of the powder in the western regions has imposed an increase in the production turnover. The farmers have to squash the immature berries, producing painful ulceration in their hands, to produce larger quantities of beans. The beans then get toasted in a traditional smoker and stone grinded.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The side products are used to fertilize the fields, since their taste is unpleasant.


The immature berry presents an intermediate layer that, if squashed, produces a milky caustic secretion that irritates the skin. In nature, this effect can be prevented in two ways: from the dried berries on the trees and from the boluses of various type of fruit doves, that ingest the immature berries to contribute in the gizzard mastication rejecting the beans.


Trade & Market

Presently the commerce of the Kawa powder is controlled by a large cartel called the Eastern Spices Company, although the working conditions are causing dissatisfaction in the farmers. Furthermore, the trade route are often affected by pirates from the fallen stars archipelago.


Deep aromatic, fruity, nutty and recalling slightly freshly dug soil.


Naturally bitter and aromatic, can be sweetened if desired.


From deep red-brown to dark brown

Common State


Related Locations
Related Species


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Jul 23, 2021 14:57 by Avalon Arcana

I wonder if this would taste good on cinnamon toast? or sweet potatoes? I need answers :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 24, 2021 07:09 by Luca Poddighe

In my mind, it is a mix between coffee and guaranà... So probably yes!

Jul 23, 2021 18:27 by Time Bender

Ouch, that sounds horribly painful for the farmers! Regardless of how much money they might make, it's not worth the pain. D:

Jul 24, 2021 07:14 by Luca Poddighe

Another bit inspires alas from real world... Cashew nuts production scars badly farmers and workers with the secretion of the external layer of the nut but, to increase production they are imposed to do it, that's a reason why a try to buy them only in the come from fairtrade farming.

Jul 25, 2021 19:06 by Time Bender

Oh, wow, I had no idea! I don't eat cashews, thankfully, but I still feel terrible for the farmers and workers. D: