Pèryl The Plague Years
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The Plague Years

Plague / Epidemic

Circa 290-200 PA

The Age of the Òrennéii ends. After the Fall of Crahn at Aricc-nor, plague struck the remaining Òrenéii tribes as well as their enemies the Eun Chi and Eunu. Hundreds of thousands die. Eun Chi as a nation, never recovers. The Eun become nomadic like their Eunu cousins.   The Mỳdrians, Qh'énns, Kharnnes, and other Human tribes also succumbed, though not to the rates of the other races.   Immune to the plague, the BkBrchn, briefly dominate the north-central regions of Gruthe.

DaoSvor is destroyed and its lands completely consumed by the Ys. The Svor themselves are scattered throughout the continent, largely as an occupied people among the Ys and in marginal places in the Black BkBrchn held lands. The Western half of Gruthe is now called Qh’énnshaiyn--region of the Qh'énns--as the Qh’énns have conquered all of the north not held by Ys, Kharnne, or Mỳdr and have forced all non-humans from its lands. The Ys have now split into two distinct regions, the Northern Ys—and their capital Cāl (built on the ruins of Crahn-Aricc)—and the Southern Ys with its capital Tlatl. Nominally, the Southern Ys are the dominant power and the Northern Ys owe fealty, but by 200 PA, this begins to be mere theatre and the two powers are de facto separate.   Rheddor is severely crippled and almost exclusively island-based, surrounded entirely by the Black BkBrchn. Similarly, Laohor is diminished further by incursions by Black and Grey BkBrchn and Svor brigandry. It is at this time—8100s of the Òrenéii calendar—that the Age of Òrennéii is truly over. Never again do any of the Òrennéii nations rise to prominence. Honest scholars will admit that the destruction of DaoSvor actually harmed their Òrennéii rivals and quickened their collapse. Human historians—not prone to seeing the distinctions between the Òrennéii tribes—note the significance of this period as the diminishment of all Òrennéii, inclusive of the Svor, and that the obliteration of DaoSvor was its beginning. The traud do not make good historians. Yssian expansion into Thōurraidt creates a third region of control—taken from the war-ravaged southern coast between Ilaohor and the Black BkBrchn—and Eastern Ys is formed.   Prominent centres: Cāl and Slen in Northern Ys. Evtla, Ttatl and Azheos in Southern Ys. Kharnne city in the Kharnnite kingdom. Slen is founded by a mixture of human tribes—Qh’énns, Mỳdrians, Northern Ys, and Kharnnites—on the ruins of Sronnor the former capital of DaoSvor (the name itself a corruption of the Svor word). Eastern Ys’ primary centre is the coastal walled city, Chrim (which is Raachernized as Hœm).

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